That’s right! Oh, I’m a dummy today. I had this moment of “wait, which one of these people is dating Linda Cardellini? NONE OF THEM DESERVE HER.” Thanks for clearing that up for me :)
That’s right! Oh, I’m a dummy today. I had this moment of “wait, which one of these people is dating Linda Cardellini? NONE OF THEM DESERVE HER.” Thanks for clearing that up for me :)
Wait, WHAT?
I agree with the other commenters, who have questioned the breadth/applicability of statistics.
A friend of mine once told me about how great Wegmans is. I listened politely, but was skeptical. Then, I moved to a place that has multiple Wegmans locations. On my first visit, I texted her as I walked down the bakery aisle: “I love this place, and I’m never leaving.” I’m a full convert to the church of Wegmans.…
I am Team OneNote. I tried Evernote, but the filing cabinet metaphor simply didn’t work well for me. I greatly prefer the notebook-style functionality. I use it to organize and track meetings, articles I’m writing, classes I’m planning, etc.
I am so deeply ashamed to say that I will watch the hell out of this. I’m pretty sure they’ll take away my doctorate for it...but it might be worth it.
A zombie musical? Yes, please.
Or at least a better choice. I don’t know if I’d go so far as to call him good :)
I was coming here to say exactly this. I sure as hell wouldn’t endorse someone who released my personal contact info, putting me in potential danger.
Oh, yeah. But like I said, it means even more coming from someone who does the hiring :)
Mind if I quote you on this? I tell my business writing students this all the time...not sure it sinks in when I say it, though.
Evil, evil strategy.
I just want to highlight something you included from Carson’s comments, Anna:
I loved the colors, too! I could never pull them off, but they’re just lovely, and Sophie looks lovely in them.
Anything I could say here pales in comparison to what needs to be said. Just...thank you for sharing your experience. It sounds like you made the best possible decision you could, and it was made with love for both of your twins.
Any bets on when the first Republican Snapchat sex scandal hits now?
We are doing all of these! :) We bought some duty-free Brennivin and are about to partake in our hotel room because it has been a long, delightful day. The travel comes tomorrow and Tuesday. Do you have any food recs for Reykjavik? I have been confused by the number of “American” style restaurants here today. Thanks :)
Y’all, I am on the way to living a dream I have had since undergrad: I am heading to Iceland for a short but delightful trip. One of my undergrad lit professors/mentors researched Icelandic literature, and his work on the country has stayed with me ever since. I’m a prof now, and I can only hope to have the influence…
I have been getting two shots a week for the past three years (paired with nasal sprays and Claritin). They’ve been so helpful for me - my allergies to pretty much the entire natural world made spring miserable for far longer than I want to think about. These drops of which you speak... They’re interesting. It would…
Yup, that is my concern now. BN does use a pretty portable epub format, but I’m going to have to back those files up.