When you see another post about the racism in Greek life at University of Alabama, please know that THIS is an outcome of that seemingly silly, unimportant system. Students involved in the Machine, which is directly linked to Greek life at UA, go on to be leaders in Alabama government. In fact, getting elected to AL…
I just spent 20 minutes reading through all of these - something I sorely needed to distract me from the Philly-area university threats today. Thanks!
Y’all, Matt Damon is just giving us an extended example in support of his own thesis: we love actors so much more when we know nothing about them. I am learning far too much about him, for example.
Young BAG bears a striking resemblance, style- and hair-wise, to Justin Bieber.
Started getting them at 16. I’m in my 30s now, and I have quite a few more, but I haven’t gone completely gray. I’m telling myself I was just fashion-forward, and all the young kids dyeing their hair gray were just copying me.
“I’m Ron Burgundy?”
Oh, god. We’re going to have to start using the phrase “Pennsylvania Man” now, aren’t we? Florida Man, we’re coming for your title!
I had a really terrible day at work, and this video gave my heart so much joy. I am not Catholic, and I am not in the least religious. I just love knowing that there is such kindness and humbleness out there.
I moved here from Alabama a few years ago, and I’m already picking up bits of the accent. It’s an odd combination (weirdest of all is when I add in pieces of a Wisconsin accent - don’t ask, don’t ask). My husband can do the accent very easily already without even meaning to. It’s pretty great, but we also come from a…
Yes - I don’t want to diminish the good intentions and thoughts behind the movement, because it does have the potential to help. Your idea about intake forms and doctors asking is a good one. Also, perhaps the campaign will lead to a similar, unknown-to-abusers signal that is publicized solely by medical professionals…
Unfortunately, this has been somewhat debunked by Snopes: http://www.snopes.com/crime/warnings…. Law enforcement, hospitals, etc., have received no training about what to do with this campaign. In addition, there’s the problem of the viral nature of this campaign: if the black dot campaign is well known on Facebook…
Far more logical.
Sure. My parents will also visit Manhattan once a decade. Maybe. You will be safe from pop-ins from them :)
Oh, good lord. Fellow expat here, and I’m now deeply grateful that my parents would never ever consider driving the 14 hours between us just to surprise me. (Flying is out of the discussion, because planes are scary. Hell, leaving the hometown is scary.) You have my sympathies.
Expat AL native, UAB fan her. I’m sharing your glass case of emotions right now.
I...don’t get it. Is this saying she only got her significant other to get her pregnant because her team won? (And holy crap, ew, if that is the case.)
And now I know what to do for my best friend/fellow GG superfan’s birthday!
#teamcbs, y’all. Their music producer is always on point, and there’s some actual news mixed into the show. I haven’t been able to stand Today for years.