Yeah, same here :) I was mostly speculating on their longevity and place in a "canon" (if we can even call it that).
Yeah, same here :) I was mostly speculating on their longevity and place in a "canon" (if we can even call it that).
Don't forget - he's paying for the apartment. She may have felt like she couldn't say no. And, as pujeemuhs mentions above, she loved him. She's vulnerable here.
I suspected Jane after that scene. I tell you, this season has made me so sympathetic to some previously unsympathetic characters. Jane, as terrible as she can be, is really breaking my heart right now.
Then we on this thread are now best interwebs friends, because I have the same reaction :) I'm tempted to make my sister read it again to see if her mind's changed - I just don't know if I could handle it a second time, though.
Not to get too far off topic, but it's fascinating to see how many of us here identify strongly with a few key female protagonists - Anne, Jo, Scout, etc. I wonder how many younger women will identify with Hermione, Katniss, etc., in a few years (or already do).
I lovelovelove that quartet. For the longest time, I wanted to have a little girl and name her Alanna. Or just change my name to Alanna (the latter may be more likely, at this point) :) I loved it so much that I gave my much younger sister a copy of the quartet (including at least one of my own copies). I was…
Um, this is the best thing I have seen all night. Martin Freeman is just delicious (and moderately prickly).
Our library offered this service for free this semester. I didn't participate because I have a small dog mafia of my own (she's the one in my avatar), but frankly I think it's a great idea. Students may be more likely to accept this form of stress release & therapy than other forms, & dogs are pretty smart when it…
Ah. I think traditional chili (though, of course, there are different versions) is beef. Mmmm. Chorizo makes me happy - I need to track down a good turkey-based version here.
I could just see you getting more annoyed & exhausted the further you went. This is so frustrating :(
Can you eat the all-beef/kosher hot dogs? I've found that I actually prefer those over the traditional pork hot dogs now.
This calls for a shout-out to my friends J & C, who are one of the happiest couples I know. J is from the upper midwest - grew up on a lake, fishing, worked at the corner bar for a while, etc. He's now a professor at a fantastic university. C's originally from Baltimore, been in the military since he was 18. He's now…
Right back at ya. I love and miss that show. Today's monster revision session may just have to include a marathon of it in the background. That is, if it's still on the Netflix :)
Ooooh, I bow before you on that one. Well played.
That would have made me so happy. So freakin' happy. Drat you, ABC!
That's a very good point, though I think TBS is pretty decent about putting full episodes of their original comedies online. At least, they used to be when My Boys was on. I'm too lazy to IMDB how long ago that was, but it wasn't that long ago.
Joel McHale did, too. 13 episodes - wish it was more, but I'll take it! (And please, tv gods, let Dan Harmon stay on as showrunner!) []
Jumping in to say RAWR right along with you. I forget what a huge change that makes to his delightful face.
The state of my husband's facial hair makes him his own multitude. Clean-shaven, Mr. Aspatria resembles Adam Richman. With a neatly trimmed beard, he resembles Ron Swanson. When he forgets to trim it, he morphs into Zach Galifianakis. It's the damndest thing.
Hee. Me, too! Well, when I remember. Just out of curiosity, what part of Mississippi? I have family up towards Itawamba.