Mitzi Happy Hollow. I should really just go with the street. Happy Hollow is so...subtle, yes?
Mitzi Happy Hollow. I should really just go with the street. Happy Hollow is so...subtle, yes?
This particular (alleged) situation happened in Missouri, which is not part of the south. Furthermore, this crap happens everywhere. While I don't pretend that the region in which I grew up is perfect (far from it), it's unfair and illogical to assume it is the only place where bad/completely stupid things happen -…
Hm. Well, that explains why (some) people automatically look at my feet to see if I'm wearing shoes when I say I'm from Alabama.
Urban planning can be incredibly frustrating - but it can also be equally rewarding. The field needs more folks with your passion. Good luck with your studies!
I agree that we need more reasonable urban planning. That doesn't just include urban planners: it also includes the political will to enact those plans. Mr. Aspatria is a planner, and his office has created several long-range plans for his community. However, the chances of them getting completed in this conservative,…
Am I the only one who thought from looking at the headline that this would be an article about a new Summer's Eve commercial? #failtothev
Hey, lawmakers - outta my uterus and on to my economy!
My version is the five-year plan - it's five years from the moment anyone asks me. My family seems to be a little more stubborn, though. They still haven't stopped asking :(
Precisely. I have no idea who this Lorrie Moore person is, and I would love to join a book club where everyone wants to read sci-fi/fantasy.
I'm a huge fan of the NC Zoo (which is one of the ones that focuses on conservation and appropriate environments). I visited there every chance I got when I lived in NC. Now I live in a place with a tiny zoo on top of a mountain. I can't bring myself to go there :(
Isn't the naughty chair what got them into this mess in the first place?
My beagle mix would be immensely fat if I didn't shut the kitchen door (and, um, she has been in the past - we've worked hard on making that not the case). Lucy isn't always the brightest bulb on the tree, but she is incredibly smart when it comes to snuffling out food.
I request the bacon-scented candle. Mmmm....bacon.
@cielgee: I was a huge fan of Emily and Anne. I even dragged the oh-so-patient Mr. Aspatria on a road trip up to Prince Edward Island in 2009 so I could see Green Gables :)
@debo matar la zombi goldberry83: There are a lot of great videos on hulu and (free) podcasts like Yogamazing on iTunes, too. I've been working from those for a while and love them.
@pbandjulie: Oooh! Scottsboro! I used to go there when I lived in Birmingham. Great place to find all kinds of random stuff. Of course, the Ham is a surprisingly good thrifting town itself. I might have to tune in to see if any of my old haunts are featured (hello, there, America's Thrift!).
@kimberlymaybe: I call that day "Not a Mother's Day." It's like HIMYM's Not a Father's Day, but way more of a relief. Yay, I successfully avoided being pregnant one more month! Doesn't make it any less aggravating otherwise, though.
What about Winston over at FourFour? I love that crazy cat.
@LikeChai: Both options are awesome!
@dancingteacups: I thoroughly enjoy that blog as well! Another good one is [] - they have female and male contributors, and it's great to see those different perspectives. I know that reading these blogs (and a few others) has helped me shape my perspective on dressing as a grad…