
I think if you choose that as a framework for interpreting every organized religion then that’s what you’ll see.

Well, I have a “fuck you, Susan Collins” in me, too. So we’re in agreement, there. There is, however, a caveat...I’ve got a “fuck you” for the (largely) former Jezebel and Kinja writers that wrote attack after attack on Hillary Clinton. Not because they were Trump supporters, oh no. No...because they were Bernie

Video footage suggested he spend all of five minutes outside before entering through an unlocked and propped open door.”

You can’t blame the voters for not voting for a shitty candidate, you blame the candidate. That is how it works.

Not to mention this majority lasted for all of 72 days. ACA that this writer now sneers at, was also widely popular. Yet it took all the democratic political capital available at the time to pass it. I am only a couple of years older than this writer. But the very online young lefty crowd are embarrassingly ignorant

Being upset about a political party trying to do an impossible thing that would have ALWAYS been impossible to do REGARDLESS of when they did or did not try to do so is a massive waste of energy.

Helped quite a bit = largest expansion of social safety net in a half century.

She didn’t nail anything. The Dress was wasted at this event, because it had no bearing at all on the theme. AND she didn’t even look that great in it. Part of Marilyn’s allure in it was how “free” her body was under it. She wasn’t corseted up, she was sensuous. Kim looks freezedried. 

any Democrat is probably better than any Republican

[A] resounding warning to Democratic members: “Defend Black women’s rights or don’t count on our votes.”

Abortion is a tough topic in this country.

It makes my blood boil that any of the Supremes think that their discussion of this case could include “Pregancy and raising a child not that hard in America.” Like, read the f*cking room. We just watched paid family leave get gutted. All support of mothers and families was just reduced because it has been arbitrarily

It’s also insane to me how many otherwise intelligent, reasonable women are worried the vaccine will mess up their cycles and don’t bother doing enough research to realise that’s a risk with ANY vaccine, not just the covid shot, and so fucking what? It’s not a big deal. Your cycle goes out of whack once and then gets

It’s worth noting that Ohio is one of the most gerrymandered states out there. The legislature may be 64-35, but the state is more like 55-45 at most. In an equitable legislature, this bill goes nowhere, but now it’ll probably pass and go into law. Because Republicans have gerrymandered themselves a supermajority.

It’s 51 senators who made this decision. Joe Manchin is one of them, but so is the entire GOP delegation.

It’s weird that you think that those same threats wielded by two different types of people have the same impact and inexcusability, bud.

You won’t see me arguing that a rape threat is okay if the person being threatened sucks.

That’s the thing about taking a principled position that a certain form of behavior is categorically or unequivocally wrong or abhorrent: it doesn’t matter what preceded the verboten behavior. This is a one-step analysis, “was a death threat levied?” If yes, then bad.

People who make death threats are worse than people who express non-violent dumb opinions. Threatening to kill Trump voters is worse than voting for Trump (in my opinion, anyway).