
the whole “give up your baby thing” would apply if the pro-forced birthers cared about the child after it was born. but since they don’t, it’s a false argument.

I lost my job during pregnancy because I became so deathly ill that I had to be hospitalized twice and spend hours every day going to the hospital to get fluids and nutrients pumped into me, until finally they gave me a 24/7 IV. After a couple months of this my employer told me I was being terminated. What about FMLA,

Here’s the thing. I don’t think Chris Pratt meant to intentionally imply that his daughter is somehow better than his son because of her relative health status. But the fact that he didn’t think at all about how that might impact his son or his son’s mom? And his kids apparently come after a baseball card? Again,

I’m so sorry you had that experience, it should never have happened. Health care professionals who refuse to do the basic, science and evidence-based things to protect the health of their patients should not be working in health care. There are a shocking number of nurses refusing the COVID vaccine, and they should

By all means put them on the hook for maternity, birth, and childhood expenses, but I really don’t want innocent children being raised by these people.

52, don’t forget Synema.

I can’t bring myself to watch Bridgerton pretty much entirely because of the costumes. 

Given the history of the IOC, I’m not that shocked.

Don’t get me wrong, she is one of the world’s greatest athletes. But two recent high profile upsets to younger competitors (Naomi Osaka in February at the Australian Open and Elena Rybakina earlier this month at the French Open), as well as losing at the last Olympics, and ... I dunno, it seems like maybe the Olympics

I don’t know if you’ve done any actual legislative work or lobbying, but I have. This kind of thing is basically diplomacy, and again, there’s nothing to be gained by deepening the divide further. A lot of these Republicans know their party has gone batshit crazy. A lot of them have been going along because they are

This is kind of a bullshit argument. The entire point is normalizing treating each other like human beings rather than becoming more divisive and further entrenched. If you don’t start that process it will not just magically happen. And you can’t govern or create even the shakiest of coalitions if all your actions are

This. All day long. The way legislation gets passed is by building bridges, not constantly burning them down. And to build bridges you have to see the people you work with as human beings, and understand their motivations, needs, etc. Working to break personal partisan animus in the Senate is really, really fucking

I pretty much can’t stand Naomi Wolf’s work or public persona these days but just wanted to point out the semantic irony of calling The Beauty Myth a “seminal feminist work.”

And yeah that book hasn’t aged well.

It’s called stochastic terrorism, and is absolutely a thing.

Fat people who lose weight regain it because a body that has been fat does not treat calories the same way a body that has always been a lower weight does. I mean, this is fairly well documented now, though only recently. A body that has been fat has to work much harder to not store calories as fat. Most people don’t

Because most of the people giving those long lectures don’t actually care much about health, they care about shape. And if they actually cared about health then part of that frank discussion would end up talking about systemic issues that create perfect conditions for ill health on any number of levels. But the

I really wish we as a society could talk honestly and frankly about the very real benefits of weight loss and the very real problems of excess weight even just physiologically (joint stress over time, for example, and the increased risk of early arthritis, herniated discs, etc.) without it turning into an

Kemp is in charge of the state because he was the secretary of state while running for governor in an election that saw massive voter suppression, including shit like power cables not being supplied with voting machines and ballots being shoved into the corner of a postal office until WHOOPSIE the morning after the

Basically, shut down voting locations in densely populated, majority Black areas that lean Democratic, cut off early voting and voting by mail, force people to stand in long lines (in the last election some people stood in line for as long as 8 hours), and then prohibit anyone from providing food or water. Taken

I’m so glad I saw this review, because this is not something I normally would have watched. But I just finished episode 1 and my goodness, this is so compelling. And I hope it helps people. They’re talking about addiction in such an unvarnished way, it’s really refreshing and I think will connect with a lot of people.