

Yeah. I mean, I don’t want to know the guy for trying, but they make about as much sense as me saying that my Kinja assigned green avatar is representative of Jabba the Hutt (save maybe the Vader one, which is easier to suss out).

Using only three colors, Barclay has tried to make posters that are instantly identifiable

Wreck-it Ralph is based on a made up video game that adds video game elements to it . . . are we really getting that technical here? Scott Pilgrim is the best video game movie I have ever seen. Unless in real life people normally explode into coins and get 1-ups and take warp zones.

free as part of the $19.99 season pass.

I’ve always thought a really effective Batman movie might work with villains as the Protagonists. Do it from Falcone’s POV with this terrifying, shadowy monster slowly tearing his organization apart—with only glimpses of the Batman and whispered stories until the final act.

You and I are on the same page. The Rocketeer gets my vote for the all-time best comic book movie and va-va-voom Jennifer Connelly was the icing on the cake.

[faints in admiration]

Agent Carter, second season, being set in LA in the 1940s and it’ll have a “lighter” tone?


So if Thea gets a yellow suit, does she change her name to the Reverse Arrow?

No, you’re not wrong, you’ve hit the nail right on the head. Gender roles aren’t some arbitrary thing that society has engineered, they are biological. Most girls fit into the pink, girly girl model. And when you market something specific to that market of a superhero nature, it fails. You get Elektra or Catwoman.

Let it go. You’re making yourself look like an idiot at this point. You’re weirdly obsessed with how people are classifying this game into a genre. MMO’s used to just be shorthand for MMORPG. But now really, they’re finally two different things. MMO is anything with a massively multiplayer online base. MMORPG is the

It’s an MMO, in all but name, and masses of players.
It is absolutely one, in the way it plays, is obsessed with loot, raids, grinding, repetition of the same content and areas... Story isn’t all that important. Content is reliant on essentially required expansions.
It may not technically be “Massive”, but in every

I see now that my earlier comment was off. You are not joking. My opinion is that it checks every box that defines an MMO except the multiplayer isn’t massive concurrently.

probably won’t be smirking after he’s been stuck in general population for a while.

If you find someone for whom this WAS their favorite season... please refer them to a specialist for evaluation. It’s for their own good.

I’m betting Star Labs exists, but the particle accelerator is under construction.

So you want them to go against what every game company ever has done, and give it to you free on your console of choice? An option that no one else does. Ever since console version was announced it’s been known you would have to pay for it. But because they released a shit game, that everyone knew was shit from day 1,

Soooo this already exists. $20 and you get the game, and a full pc account copy. Additionally, there has been limited XBox One controler support for a while (unmentioned but acknowledged as not full - widows only?) and they mentioned that post console launch this is something that they would like to do.