
(sigh) Bullpoop. If you want to be very generic and racist about it, they’re swapping one “person without color” role with a “person of color”, and one “person of color” role with a “person without color”. That’s a net neutral exchange with your very broad (yet incredibly narrow when you wish it) world views.


So... what about the fact that she’s a woman? Do we say vagina washed? Vagina White Washed? And in polite company we just say the character as “Vanna White’d”?

In general, I just want things to stay the same as they were for their origin. I was thrown there for a long white on who she was before I remembered they were

Really? For me this is just a reverse of Fallout 3, and that story kept driving me forward. Unlike 3, your son is stolen from you instead of your father just up and abandoning you in a den of crazy, so I felt far more compelled to find my “Mr. McGuffin” than I had in 3 which was also filled with a ton of people asking

I played FO3 the same as you, but never could get into New Vegas. I love Fallout 4 and hop in as often as I can. I see many people who share your opinion, so you’re clearly not off your rocker, I just don’t get it myself...

Well... they should. There is just no indication at this point that they are yet. I would pay all that and more to get those movies on an HD format...

I was a little downtrodden they didn’t have one setup for Oregon until I saw they were the Special Editions. At that point, why not just play the Blu Ray versions at the theater? Either way, I’m more than happy to skip this now!

I hated Man of Steel. So very much. I think that they did the right thing in making a solo Superman movie though, and if they were to do a solo Batman movie, another solo Superman movie that would setup Lex (briefly) but have someone like Parasite be the main villain, a Green Lantern movie that discusses a danger in a

The rock wasn’t that high in the air because the Avengers stopped it from going up higher, and it has been reinforced with vibranium which could could potentially vastly change the calculation in terms of how much energy would be needed to cause the extinction of the human race. Oh, and a majority of the Production,

Why are they chasing Marvel? DC has some of the biggest, most celebrated and beloved characters in recent memory! If they had started slow, like Marvel, and made some DC movies with some subtle references to other superheroes (little things like newpapers with interviews with Superman, television programs that feature

From what it sounds like, BvS isn’t even going to be profitable. The “experts” (I have no idea who they are or why they are experts) determined that after the 250 million dollar cose, the 150 Million in advertising, plus the split with the theaters, the movie would have to earn about 1.5 billion to be considered a

Oh, good! Didn’t realize they had the trailers made all the way back then! Well, ignore all the comparisons then!

It’s not “comparing rock music and humor”, it’s using classics in a modern setting superhero (themed) movie, which technically would have started more with Black Sabbath’s “Iron Man” (though the reasons

“For us there’s a through line from Winter Soldier, through Civil War, right to Infinity War,” said Anthony Russo. “In our mind, the storytelling arc moves that way.”

Huh... this is... I don’t want to say “concerning” but... sort of? Winter Soldier didn’t really have anything to do with Infinity War... the movies that

The pace is glacial... until “something” happens and then a timeskip will move them beyond what would normally be the most interesting transition to see (like last season, where the military showed up right as the apocalypse was happening, and all of a sudden there is a fence around the neighborhood and the apocalypse

Huh... that’s a good point! Unfortunately... I’ve got one of those “serial killer” vibes, so really can’t get people to willingly come over to my apartment, and I feel if I chloroform them I’m just going to be re-doing Mr. Plinkett...

I don’t suppose you want to come over to watch something... new? Does this rag smell

Well... if my interpretation of the final scenes are correct, Tom Cruise has now taken the place of the creature that actually does the time resetting. Because that creature doesn’t have control of if it resets time (it will happen automatically when one of the big soldiers die) we could have Tom Cruise granting the

I know you’re getting similar responses, but a copy and paste answer? To me? You greatest friend and ally? My heart... ‘tis broken...

Never did I indicate one of the other. I am asking for the value in this. Having “multiple rooms” is (so far) the very worst I’ve heard.

Glad to see someone is a comic book fan!

HOW DARE YOU?!?!? I shall turn 30 this very weekend, and The Dirty Dozen is one of my favorite movies!... Though... when I ask others about it, they’ve never seen it... damn my generation...

I wouldn’t mind if they’re bringing Grand Admirals into the mix...