
Thank you! This seems to be the common response, and I guess for limited TVs plus excess laptops it would work. I typically just move my console around to wherever I need it, but I can see if you have a stationary setup (like a PC) or something and you want to play there without setting it back up on the main

I usually am playing a console with my phone or Laptop playing Netflix or Youtube on the side, so I get your setup. The response I’m getting does seem mostly to be for people streaming to a PC because their significant other is using the TV that the PS4 is hooked up to. I get having it connect to Vita, or even the

That’s... what I’m doing. That’s why I’m asking it hear, on a gaming website thread. I’m asking for specific examples in how someone would use it.

Okay, but wouldn’t it be nearly as easy to move your PS4 to another room and use a TV there instead of moving your computer? Using just the computer you give yourself a little more mobility, but if you’re going to use another TV anyway we’re still talking about taking a power supply, controller, computer (which

I’m sorry, I get that it’s cool... but why would you do this? Is this specifically for instances where you have access to a PC, a PS4, and a strong internet connection... but no television? What value is there in this functionality?

I’m just happy you can get the Mechanist suit! I’ve not really been able to dive in yet, but thoughts of going about the commonwealth as the Mechanist? My weekend plans are set...

Well, Could you sign it as “Everyone except for DrSensible3"? Certainly they don’t need to do it more than once in a direct series (I’m looking at you Schumacher!) and certainly doesn’t need to be in a team up movie like this, where a character’s motiviations to stop Superman are more centered around “I saw the

That’s one of the things that I liked best about 1990s Batman Cartoon. Batman was grim, unlaughing, serious, and glum... but when the mask was off and he was talking to Alfred he would laugh and smile and make some quips. Batman needed to be grim, but Bruce Wayne was actually a lot more well rounded when he wasn’t

I suppose the difference here is what we believe applies as “fantastically silly”. Most people wouldn’t behave the way they’re portrayed in movies, so if that is where you’re drawing the line, you’re sucking up a lot into a single pot. I would also point out that this same society gets the chance to end the Joker

Let me clarify a bit, because (though you quoted it) I’m not sure if you read my statement. To rehash, “Reburns” stated that “I feel like people are watching these movies for all the wrong reasons. Like, turn off your fucking brain and enjoy the superhuman slugfest for what it is, and then turn your brain back on

Fantastical silliness? What in the world are you talking about? Comic books have regularly tackled heavy hitting issues, and while most of the time historically they take a less serious aspect, this hasn’t been the case for 30 years! We’re not talking about a Dora the Explorer or Blues Clues movie, we’re talking about

Love Vincent De’Onofrio, and I can’t question his acting ability, but I don’t think that his portrayal of Wilson Fisk is how Lex should be played. I’m sure he could do something different, but Fisk is a little more cruel and a little less brilliant than I believe Lex Luthor should be done.

You know, generally people grow out of the “jingle keys” level of enjoyment and actually need something more than loud, bright, and moving to keep their attention. I’m glad you’re able to watch schlock and get some entertainment out of it, but you won’t get any less out of it with your viewing style with a smart or

Apparently he just did an interview with the Wall Street Journal and claimed that there were way more deaths in The Force Awakens than there were in Man of Steel, so he doesn’t quite get the issue. The guy is just so completely oblivious...

Everybody should really go out and just watch Deadpool again this weekend. Fox, despite needing to be forced at outcry, did provide the fans with what they wanted and actually didn’t screw it up! That should be rewarded, and should enough people do it we could send a double message to DC/WB. Give us a Superman/Batman

The NFL is not the “real world”, and they’ve got a lot of rules and stipulations that one needs to maintain in order to avoid punishment. These guys can post on Twitter about something that has nothing to do with the NFL and face disciplinary action. They’re a different world because they need to be, and they want

Honestly, you can’t believe this comparison... right? You’re saying that a random military storyline doesn’t get played, and therefore people wouldn’t play the campaign of a Star Wars game??? That’s banana pants crazy. You cannot honestly believe that.

Here’s my problem with that:

1) They decided to call their game “Star Wars: Battlefront”. When you do that, you are using the title from the previous games to pull in fans, but it’s a double sided blade. You must include with your game the base elements that make this game worthy of the title. Personally, I don’t think

Hi! Um... maybe actually play the game before making a comment that is completely incorrect! There was a campaign in both games, as they would often either tell a story, allow for different units to go against each other than you could do in a multiplayer game (like Empire vs. Clones), and would have unique

I actually got into a bit of a rage war with someone who continued to join my Destiny game and send me party invites, even after I would quit and start again to go on without him. Apparently, I’m the asshole because I didn’t want to be bothered, and I didn’t consider the fact that maybe he needed some friend time.