Zero fucks as in "I don't want to have sex with you anymore, you misogynist pig?"
Don't be sorry, it's a free net! Nice try anyway!
When my initial and quite visceral reaction to your po-mo nonsense "more critical than thou" post had subsided, I still think you are full of it.
Because Brandt likes to watch but he has to pay a 100.
Wow... What's with all the hate to your fellow man over Activision? Did you used to date Bobby Kotick or something?
Good for you!
No, not just you. I talked to Freud, he says it's a penis as well
You have to grant him that virtual virility is a very nice alliteration, he definitely impressed me with that!
1. Planescape: Torment, ending is some very powerful stuff and how the relations between you and your party members unfold... Just wow.
Same for me, so it is not the right link