Good gif and +1 for your username;)
Good gif and +1 for your username;)
I can’t believe she VOLUNTARILY took on that monstrosity of a name. She has an IMDB? what does she do, teach yoga to real actors? Hillary Hayward-Thomas is WASPY AF but it has a nice symmetry to it at least. Her fake name sounds like a Gilbert and Sullivan character. What a strange affectation. I don’t understand why…
It was sufficient for me to put him in the category of “People who I don’t want to give my money to.”
Apparently, that is not even her name and she changed it to appear more exotic, huh. Real name Hillary Hayward-Thomas. She changed her IMDB to claim she was born in Mallorca, Spain, as Hilaria Lynn Thomas, when there is no evidence that was ever her name or birthplace! She is from Boston.
He called his 12 year old daughter a thoughtless little pig. I wouldn’t say he’s without malice.
How nice of him to try to mansplain how women should handle sexual assault and harassment. I’m sure he’s an expert on the subject.
Hasn’t Alec Baldwin taken a break from Twitter a million times before?
Remember when he called his 12 year old daughter a “rude, thoughtless little pig?”
Rose McGowan wanted to prosecute Weinstein, but a lawyer told her that because she had done nudity in a film she would never win. You have to keep in mind Weinstein raped Rose McGowan in 1995 or 1996. She spent some of that $100,000 on therapy and the rest went to the East Los Angeles Women’s Center. Alec Baldwin…
Alec needs to shut up.
Finally some validation. This guy has always made my skin crawl. Just because he does a good impression of 45 doesn’t make him a hero. SNL has always been light on misogyny and sexism. I’m looking at you, Che. Hell, read about the crap male original cast members put on Jane Curtin and Gilda Radner.
Yeah...what’s published here isn’t even the worst of what’s in the book.
I had the distinct displeasure of dealing with Matt Taibbi when I worked at a teen magazine. He wrote for a free weekly paper at the time and saw himself as a hero for young girls. Ha. He was terribly condescending and obnoxious and dragged my name threw the mud for a lame article. He has no character and really …
Taibbi was writing disgustingly misogynistic shit well into the 2000s (see and…
Taibbi also had very misogynistic articles later on for other publications like Men’s Journal:
Wow, thank you for writing this! Those excerpts are pretty tough to get through. I would really like to think that the stories those guys are telling are just an ugly, misogynistic fantasy, and that no actual people were assaulted or harassed. But who knows? Stuff like that really does happen, and it’s a frighteningly…
I’m sorry but I actually had to stop reading this article. I found their own gleeful descriptions of their actions to be so repulsive. Who found this type of writing palatable or interesting. Being a self absorbed asshole in a country where you hold enormous power to violate impoverished girls sexually doesn’t strike…
Good. He’s always been an asshole. I mentioned in another post that I did a photo shoot with him — he was dating a model at the time, and we were shooting in a public space. His big idea was for her to do it nude in this public space, with no mention of any area being curtained off so the public wouldn’t be able to…