Dr. Phil Collins

FINALLY! March Madness is here.

came for Shakira just now

as a designer and illustrator and life long timberwolves fan, I like it. When I heard they were revamping the logo I KNEW they would do a hot color like that green, that’s the trend right now. Good mixture of the original and new logos. Not amazing but subtle and nice.

I just can’t

I grew up with some Bickells in Minnetonka, MN. Is this the same family? They all played Hockey.

HANDS DOWN the best pencils you can buy are Tombow Mono 100's. The Kum two stage sharpeners are THE BEST, the get a great elongated tip and have a bonus 2mm and I think 3 or 3.something-mm lead pointer.

That seems to be a common theme with a lot of people around here, boring.

one time I sent my poop a picture of my gf, needless to say, it was not crappy

sports take my money, am i right

what disgusting fucking candy looks like that

youre doing it wrong

teacher teacher, you forgot to give us homework

*orders Jimmy John’s*

just give those xanies to all his followers, nooo charge

state shaming is not ok

I went to HS with this douchebag, always disliked him

FWIW, I completely changed directions at age 29, Moved to a new city and started college all over again. Packed my shit up, left all of my friends and family behind.

I think it was more about foreshadowing what happened at the end. In that particular intance. I just saw the film, I like his styling and visual themes but idk about this, his other films are better.

can send one grab me a blanket, that shit gave me the chills.

Ndubi Ebi, used to watch him shoot hoops in Hopkins park with his Range Rover, worst pick ever out of HS.