
they aren’t called accidents any more...

thank you for putting a label on me

isn’t “safe” mainly in hands of the drivers? if these cars killed everybody that drove one, would any of us even be here?

those would be bad ass headlines if they also came with multiple choice answers underneath them...

...as the saying goes to make a small fortune (insert any expensive venture) start with a large one...

can we retire this saying? its too old and changes all the time...

haha, is this why we still get stick shifts? people are dumb?

agreed, atleast do a recon lap...

sure that was a dog? that thing was moving!!! ohh this is the best thing... next trump story.... lead or follow with this...

I was really hoping this was a trick from Ice Cube, not a trick with ice cubes...clickbaitandsinker

im calling BS.... just cause I want too... how many hours did it take???

hyperbole in marketing? and on the internet? WTF????

you are just winning the internet imo today!

its weird reading pilate having always heard it pronounced pilot... kid me (there were pilots back then?)

cause trump saved all those jobs at carrier

I really love non English speakers cursing in English!!!!! best

doubt he ends up in sports cars or indy. on his pod cast he talks about going back down through the ranks on his way out of racing... like racin more xfinity, trucks, and late models and other oval track stuff. we’ll see, he has turned into an awesome personality and seems like a good dude.

terrifying? I do not want to go see a scary movie with you, like toy story

they can detain you for anything they want... arrest is different

“we’re so used to...” cause we were born yesterday

Tony didn’t force that kid out of his car and running down the track, nor did he leave the track to run over the kid. Sucks. But that kid should of kept his temper.