
even with the points being weird. I still managed to watch, be entertained and not care about the points..

nvm I thought you were talking about the lack of the shark fin

i read they were running with out it but would install it later in the day... or something...

eye of the beholder... how come jalopnik cant write a story with out snarky cynicism?

they finally caught up with current times and water cooled their engine?


and nukes put us in proxy wars with Russia... you give Obama and HRC way too much credit for the petty criminals you paint them as

whats the flavor of kool aid youre driking and do you use the water from the melted snowflakes???

some dude just got shot dead here in tx in a grocery store parking lot a couple weeks ago here after he claimed he had a gun and turned around to go get it... don’t say you have a gun then try to bring it to a gun fight... unless you actually have a gun... I mean seriously... im sure if this dudes 2nd amendments

also chucks and vans are not good driving shoes as they do not stay on the feet well and can get hung under pedals... go fucking drive more then twice on the track and really live the life of a racer not just a wanna be racing journalist...

what?> they are great shoes and serve their purpose very well... lets talk about the millions of people that wear basketball/tennis/running shoes that are to obese to even see their feet...

ive had 4 pairs over the years... wore 3 of them out at the track as a racing instructor... I wear one pair still that are slightly older than the ones in your story... they work way better than vans or chucks..... mine were not for competition, but they are easier to wear than the ones for competition if you’re doing

you get paid?

but probably gained just as many....

go be a professional mechanic and you will love... love... love... this

they look the brz now

seems more like a coincidence

is that plagiarism?

Though I like running on “road-val’s” I don’t think they’d be a good fit for stock cars. I’m glad TMS is changing turns 1-2 (knocking 4degrees out of the banking and widening racing surface 20')before NASCAR gets there this year. I would love to see them drop one of the intermediate tracks they visit twice to visit a

grow up already? coming from a jalopy author?? really????