Pearl Bensey nee Lester

My husband is bi and made the same prediction earlier today, with a depressing amount of bitterness and resignation in his voice. It broke my heart.

Yeah - it’s the guy who ripped Al Horford for missing a game to be there at the birth of his child.

Groupies for Esports: “Errmagerd dat headshot made meh hawt n de crawch!!!1!”

His other famous take is that people who get harrassed online should just “get off the internet”. When Curt Schilling (who completely sucks, but I’m fine with him in this case) called out the guys who started making sexually explicit comments about his daughter, Felger essentially blamed him/his daughter for existing

Felger will die from a heart attack while having sex in the missionary position.

The dad stache, it just works for him!

Whoa — Sandler is rocking that ‘stache!

His kids are super cute.

I once saw the Beauty and The Beast Broadway touring show in Los Angeles, and he was there with his kids and they were dressed up, and it was adorable. Boo on anyone who hates on this family, or kids in general.

For real, look how cute this family is! Each parent has a mini-me, and they look happy. (SORRY I SAID IT, ADAM SANDLER IS CUTE. FIGHT ME.)

He’s a giver.

WHAAAAAAATTTTT all the stars for introducing this to me.

Tempered glass pie plates are second best to aluminum, and Martha Stewart is right to want that pie plate back. The fancy pottery pie plates cause soggy crusts, there I said it.

How is Perez Hilton still a thing? I haven’t given this asshole a thought in ten years. Has anybody?

I love the occasional reminder that Channing Tatum used to be a stripper.

Wow, Perez Hilton looks TERRIBLE.

Armalite style rifle: 26 dead

The gun “debate,” inasmuch as it ever actually took place, is over. We lost. The occasional mass slaughter of innocent men, women, and children is just the occasional price we pay.