This has already been debunked.
This has already been debunked.
They’ll appeal and more than likely win outright or have the damages significantly reduced; you don’t become one of the largest retailers by losing lawsuits.
It has EVERYTHING to do with Greg Maffei leaving as the CEO of Liberty Media; he’s the one that told Mario “I will do everything in my power to see that Michael [Andretti] never enters Formula 1.”
12 cases between Nov 2022 and June 2024.
If you weren’t in uniform why’d you call for a deputy/backup?
LBJ’s quote from the 60's still applies in America to the MAGAidiots today:
He knows the most about everything!
2 door Jeep Wrangler.
Oh so CARB laws are ok but this isnt?
I have no sympathy for anyone that gets hurt if they are out of their seat or are not wearing their seatbelt when the seatbelt sign is on.
91% of American households have a car versus 97% of ALL Americans have a cell phone.
The roc of a 737-900 is nearly 3 times that of the roc of a DC-3. You have a much shorter time to equalize the pressure in your ears in a 737-900; 3 minutes compared to nearly 10.
The plane got to 10,000 ft in less than 4 minutes, that quick of a pressure change will ruin most people’s day with ear pressure.
Why not “both near-misses are a symptom of the greedy airlines pushing too many flights for the number of air traffic controllers”?
So weird.
You’re wrong.