
Good, stay off of them.
We cruisers don’t want you negative Nancys on board anyways.


The forecast for next Saturday at race time, 10pm local, is 14°C.

But, but, but....the SPHERE!

Nope. A totally wrecked 2004 Gallardo:

You know you can go to the dealership and order one right?
The delivery timing depends on the size of your dealership and how often their allocations are but you’ll get exactly the vehicle you want.

Cubes are great little cars.
My GF just gave her 2009 Cube to her 16 yr old daughter.
It has good visibility, full airbags, backup sensors and is easy to drive and park.
Perfect first car.

This guy is a huge embarrassment to Alabama the country.

Bwahaha...”going according to plan”...

Or jealous because the flight attendant has feelings for the pilot but their advances were rebuffed and they’re getting back at him. (Gender neutral, could be a guy flight attendant)

This is why Trump and the MAGA movement is so popular:

Saying that is like saying I would lag behind Usain Bolt in a 200m race...

So you can literally wait until the last minute to go catch your train and probably don’t have to walk more than 100m or so to the station...gotcha.

I would’ve went with:
“Boston’s Logan Airport involved in 9/11 plane incident...again
as the headlines...

The 1969 Jeep XJ001

I think we need proof that she was a 19 yr blonde Swede...

A bit jealous eh?

Next you’ll have an article about how fries don’t belong in a California Burrito from San Diego...

Huh, I wonder why the Dodge Charger HellCat and Charger HEMI and Challenger are 3 of the top 5 most stolen cars? What type of person prefers those vehicles?

If you are flying in the South, keep buckled up, because these storms happen within minutes sometimes and sometimes there is no chance for the pilot to divert around without making an even rougher ride than the storm.