Dr. Opossum

Movies like the John Wick series have given people the false impression that assassins are both readily available (sure seem to be a lot of undercover police pretending to be hitmen) and competent.  

I think you are pretty much accurate. I wouldn’t entirely count out Federer having a possible win at Wimbledon this year but I am satisfied with his 20 wins. I pleaded with the tennis gods for years to give him one more Slam and then he won three more.

Just a little correction: Shayk and Cooper were never married, which I guess will make it easier legally, even if they do have the child to think of.  

Also isn’t there an age at which actors outgrow stories about daddy issues? Pitt is 55. He should be the father other characters are obsessed with.

Yeah, there’s still a story here even if it isn’t as sensationalistic as the one that got the headlines. The doctors apparently wouldn’t let her do the electroshock therapy either, which may well have helped, but were fine with the self-starvation.

What exactly is the evidence for how this is harmful? I tried to look up cases of YouTube leading to strangers molesting kids but all I found were stories about the parents of the YouTube kids being the abusers. I can see that providing material that could excite pedophiles could be bad but if videos of children doing

I prefer Buttigieg’s idea to candidates like Warren and Harris who have expressed openness to expanding the Supreme Court with the selection process remaining as it is.  Now that is a stupid idea that would set a consensus that Republicans would be happy to pick up for themselves.   

I would argue that Farmiga’s overall thinking turned out to be fairly sound if you go by the ending credits. She just didn’t count on King Ghidorah being a rather different type of monster than the othersAnyhow, I was just there for my favorite Kaiju, King Ghidorah, and he was awesome.

Can he prove that some of the nude photos were sent after the incident in question (it wasn’t clear to me from what I’ve read)? If he can, than releasing the photos/video is a very good idea. I can’t imagine he would get convicted or lose much of his reputation if he can show that she sent him nude pictures after the

Do people really expect originality in a graduation speech, something that involves no money or evaluation? Honestly, I think this girl comes off worse than the principal does for thinking this deserves national attention.

Eternals won’t have Darkseid, Big Barda, Granny Goodness, or a host of New Gods characters who are way better than the bulk of the ones in the Eternals (I do kind of like Sersi, though).  DC has the better Kirby material in this case.  

The more I think about this pairing, the more I think it can work. DuVernay has a great track record with dramatic projects but her one fantasy effort didn’t go so well, so a collaborator could be helpful. King can be brilliant but his most recent efforts on Batman and Heroes in Crisis suggest someone who perhaps

I would say the fact that Japan has its own movies and franchises would be part of the factor. The Avengers have to compete with the likes of Detective Conan and Dragon Ball for business.

Japanese popular culture has been killing off Yakuza gangsters for decades now. Would American audiences be offended if a Japanese movie/hero killed off an American gangster?

If it is new tech, than why would whatever country or power use them for decades to constantly run tests and plays tricks on the Navy if you have advancements where you can fly without a foreseeable energy force or new forms of propulsion? Why not actually make money with this technology or use it for the military?

True, but if there are kids who are interested in these works (they don’t really sound like books that I would have enjoyed as a kid but who knows what teens are into nowadays?), they can probably get them faster this way.  Virtually any audiobook/ebook with popular appeal has a long online waiting list as the two

I feel like the world should leave this white panda alone. I am sure there is some breeder out there looking at profit potential in producing more all-white pandas, a la the sad inbred white tiger breeding program. 

A lot of pirates were involved in the slave trade, both European pirates and the North African Barbary pirates. It doesn’t come up in popular culture much because pirates look a lot less fun and glamorous when they’re slavers.