Dr. Opossum

The idea that singers need to take total creative control can be a trap too. Some can do it but a lot of others need talented writers and producers. There’s nothing wrong with getting some help to fulfill your vision and legends like Sinatra and Aretha still put their stamp on their music while using collaborators.

The tragic problems in North Korea always make me feel helpless because there really isn’t anything the rest of the world can do.  Criticize them?  They don’t care!  Boycotts?  They’ve been done and haven’t made much difference.  And what does NK make to boycott anyhow?  Topple the government?  That could get rather

Are you sure that you’re not a Muscovy duck, the ugly ducklings of the bird world?  That sounds like something a Muscovy would say.

Streisand isn’t wrong in saying that this version has some similarities with hers, in that they both focus on the music industry and Cooper played and styled his lead in a similar fashion to Kris Kristofferson. That said, this one is a lot better. My mom loves Streisand but even she said that she thought Streisand

Blockbuster films require a certain kind of director with skills in action and fantasy filmmaking. Good and even great directors sometimes don’t have the knack for it. But she has a more proven record with documentaries and dramas so I am sure this will be fine. I am more dubious about her planned DC New Gods

In theory, the proposed Warners streaming service could take on these titles.  In practice, I bet they will ignore classic movies just as most of the other streaming services do.

Scott is definitely the worst choice but I do wish we had a Democratic Senator I could actually vote for because I liked him instead of just to avoid Scott winning.

Florida’s big Senate race has the Dems running 76 year old Bill Nelson who has been in office forever. As a Floridian, I voted for him but I watch the attack ads pointing out how long in the tooth and ineffective Nelson is and think they kind of have a point.

The movie may replicate some of the plot points from the book but adding a romance between Dracula and Mina (and making her the reincarnation of his dead wife), as well as turning Dracula into a near romantic hero, are completely opposed to the spirit of the book.

He also sadly had a first son who died as an infant (the author might have done a little research before her joke about more sons). I assume the multiple kids were due to his and his first wife’s IVF and, as I think you have some gender choice in the process, they just really liked boys.

There have been plenty of chances to expose this guy in the last year, especially when he was let go by Nickelodeon, but no named sources have emerged. I don’t think the guy is innocent exactly but for some reason, these kids/adults, most of whom no longer have careers, don’t want to or can’t go public. It is weird.

I actually like circus peanuts though I won’t deny their inherent grossness.  I have seen my mom hoard bags of them so I guess my genes are weird.

And you don’t have to be a good person or fight for a good cause to be great.  Lee absolutely was a great and talented general.

Honestly, most of these guys have gotten serious career punishments, which are mostly much deserved (I do think Ansari and Ellison’s cases are more complex). To say they’ve gotten off easy is totally wrong. And you may say TJ Miller is doing fine but he has no new projects lined up and his role in Deadpool 2 was

The article undermines its point by linking to the massive list of celebs who endorsed Clinton.  What good did it do?  It probably even helped Trump by having so many movie, music and TV stars hating him.  But surely somehow Taylor Swift’s support would have gotten Clinton elected!

I honestly don’t want to see any movie about any famous person’s spouse, unless they did something notable on their own. Sure, it is good to show how they were valuable in the lead’s life or acknowledge if they were treated badly. But if I want to see a movie about going to the moon, I want to see it centered around

I would definitely put in Janet and LL Cool J. I adore Stevie Nicks and she is a legend but how much of her influence is as a solo artist and how much with Fleetwood Mac? I also love Roxy Music and Def Leppard but I am not sure they are influential enough. But I think Def Leppard will get in as fans and voters love

Tax evaders don’t get much sympathy because they are usually a combo of rich, corrupt, and dumb. But hailing them is a waste. Just make them pay lots and lots of money, don’t waste taxpayer dollars by locking them up.