I just used the last model to shoot this... I really cant believe how good it looks for such a small package, its really remarkable.
What in batsh1tcrazy's name are you arguing about? That wherever you are from is even remotely comparable to NYC? Look Mac, if you want nature, go live in Utah. I wasn't the one claiming that we're the Moab of nature centers out here, but we do have trees, lots of them, and was just trying to correct your ignorance.…
Right. And only a half hour from... Minneapolis. Im about 3 feet from the center of the world. So yeah. We got a lot of concrete. But we also got a tree.
Enjoy Minneapolis, when you get there.
Im a tree. I live here in NYC. 6th street and 1st ave. My name is Japanese Maple. Good day.
Another fucking Tree commenting on Jalopnok. GET OUT OF HERE TREE, YOUR KIND ISNT WANTED HERE! Jeez... you cant even drive, why are you reading Jalopnik. NYC4EVA.
I guess it's a drone eat drone world out there;)
How do they not know what a phantom is?