Try 1984, my personal favorite. Something about the crushing depression induced by the ending is just so appealing to me.
Try 1984, my personal favorite. Something about the crushing depression induced by the ending is just so appealing to me.
Whatever, I learned my lesson the first time the Wii 2 will not be in my house.
Apple disagrees
There just cigarettes, a nasty habit. stop acting like their breaking into your homes at night to steal your children. I think I'm done reading Gizmodo, you barely manage to scrape up an article about tech that I haven't seen somewhere else already because your too busy spouting your opinions through articles that…
Not to sound religious or anything, but im pretty sure that Satan isn't the ultimate controller of hell, he just sort of is trapped there and tries to fight good or something. idk im sort of drawing from the video game dante's inferno.
I played man, I thought it was horrible 2 out of 5 maximum. I can see some of the reasons their game failed was on Epics side but when it comes right down to it they failed their own game.
Stop blaming Epic, Too Human was so bad that their was no way it was produced because of a lack of licence support.
To have an Android phone always meant something, Gizmodo just failed to realize that. After all they seem to give them little credit. hopefully now we can just get the newest version of Android.
It's not a kid thing, it's a lack of intelligence thing. I'm 17 years old and when my buddys bug me at night they can go shove it because im trying to sleep.
I just want Google Music.
The internet is inherently un-moniterable. China will slowly become more democratic as the years pass
You guys completely ignoring the pre-CTIA stuff? Yeah you guys are still a gadget blog....
I hate your ad system, I have to wait 10 seconds till the stupid thing disappears so I can read the top story thats just bull...
Android does have an official facebook app, what are you talking about
I'm sorry, being faster than every other portable platform for gaming isn't enough?
Thats the problem, it would burn EVERYTHING in an oxygen rich environment
All this attention cased the website to exceed it's bandwidth haha
this is pretty much the laziest thing in the universe
It's the only way I can actually keep up with the speed of the lecture
My mom tried to put a program like this on my computer last year, I found out about it within 5 minutes and unistalled it.