
Yep. And there’s former UK ambassador Craig Murray who has also stated that they were not hacks, but insider leaks and that he’s met the person who leaked the emails. But crickets on that as well...

These email leaks came from Russia.....

major news outlets have all published stories citing intelligence sources confirming that Russian hacking influenced the outcome of the 2016 election

Oh so you were clearly there and witnessed it all so tell me something: is it true that Will Smith was the one who was drunk - WELL over the legal limit drunk - and was the actual aggressor that night? is it true that his group of friends - who outnumbered Hayes and his friend - were the aggressors and intimidated

Not sure how exotic, not sure how super, but it’s the first thing that came to mind. Damn I wanted one of these when I was a kid...

Last Comment from me:

but more importantly, a much more adult driving position.

John Glenn knew elevators weren’t vehicles.

Remember when Democrats mocked the idea the election could be rigged?

Remember that the Porsche Spyder is all aluminum unibody and a 4-speed manual. Donald Turnupseed’s Ford was steel and body-on-chassis. It’s not known if his was stick or auto. He was stopped at the y-intersection about to veer NE from SR-46 to SR-41 when he saw the glint of silver from JD’s speeding Porsche neared so

That documentary had many errors. James Dean was speeding when he died. He was going 70 mph, 20 over the speed limit. Rolf Wutherich, the Porsche mechanic, who was in the passenger seat, was jettisoned from the car, when James tried to careen around Donald Turnupseed Ford. It was this emergency slow-down action that

This is exactly what I thought they were going to do. Yet, they’re not. Sadly.

Oddly enough, that was my favorite joke of the whole episode. Maybe that’s because they just kind of tossed it out there, and never reacted to it.

It isn’t upsetting that the German government knowingly allowed the US to hack it’s citizens? That is fascism, but because the ‘right’ people did it apparently it is ok.

Look it’s too late for the COTD ok

Maybe he could collaborate with the Lanesplitter posters on their interpretation of the car

Jeff is one of the most dominant road course guys in NASCAR history. He’s also no stranger to sports car racing.

No. Sorry, but fucking no.

It seems to have been a wise decision.

You have arrived at your destination