Holy fuck that is Orwellian...
Holy fuck that is Orwellian...
And she's going to lose
I meant to say it’s just potatoes and white supremacists - move along
Idaho is awesome - just saying
How many times was gawker mentioned in the leaks again?
Come on - no one is denying it and the chair of the DNC resigned,
This is what I was able to find.
Milo is definitely an asshole but I’m not seeing what he said. The only things I found were 2 tweets along the lines of:
Milo is definitely an asshole but I’m not seeing what he said. The only things I found were 2 tweets along the lines of:
Am I insane for thinking that it has aged pretty well?
This isn’t the new show, it’s a segment from their live show, I fell for it too when it was posted last week.
Ugh , DC interns must be the worst people ever
I had gone the last two years hoping to see my first speedweek, i honestly figured it would keep getting canceled.
I said no crust
Unfortunately I couldn't find a pic of a brown one
This is kind of a cheat since the producers didn't choose it but the theme for spectre that radiohead did was pretty damn good
Ouch.... Shorts