
Most microwaves are made by Midea out of generally standard components. Panasonic is a large exception.

wtf is epix lol

Laszlo's "Stupid Motherfuckers" song sounded like it could be a Father John Misty song, in all aspects 

Isn’t she blonde as Gwen 

What a satisfying arc - from Breaking Bad to Baking Bread

Treasure of the Sierra Madre

Other articles say agree had cocaine and fentanyl. Fentanyl is used medically as a painkiller. That probably doesn't account for cocaine.

I’m thinking probably her lungs got burned and she was unable to get enough oxygen to her brain, since they say "anoxic" rather than traumatic.

Right - I’m more questioning the narrative purpose of her being that checked out. It initially seemed to serve just as a window into Howard’s hidden misery, but we were left totally in the dark about why exactly she felt that way. So to bring her back now being much more invested in Howard without ever establishing

They fly away on the vulture obviously 

This movie is really hard to Google. Fall movie? Fall 2022?

Who knew the entire Breaking Bad universe was really just an extended LifeAlert commercial? They’ve really upped their ad game.

Maybe they shouldn't be hiring 18 year olds who are out on bond from retail theft cases to work security?

*Layla Intensifies*

Given the current political climate, Devo will no longer be performing Freedom of Choice 

Novavax remains effective longer than the mRNA vaccines particularly as a booster, is effective against Omicron variants including BA.5, and has lower incidence of side effects than the other vaccines. A lot of this is because it encodes a larger part of the spike protein.

This is the origin story of the human Sam Wilson that Captain America is based on

Is anyone claiming Ezra Miller is not toxic?

Right, that's my point - "I'm not religious, I have a personal relationship" is literally doctrine for Hillsong and affiliated churches

Selena Gomez wiki - similarly worded. “As of 2020, she attends a different congregation in California, the Hillsong Church, and has said that she does not consider herself religious, but is more concerned with her faith and connection to God”