
The purpose should be pretty obvious if you look where the house is, given as 322 Langdon in other articles. The street is sloping dramatically toward the Mississippi River. The tunnel, then, is there as foundation to keep the house from falling over and to allow water to drain to the street.

What were you saying about totally incoherent, I couldn't follow

Loveless was remastered in 2012 and then there was an all analog remaster in 2017 for vinyl

I got the impression that her character was meant to stick around longer but Wetterlund noped the fuck out of there.

I always thought he could play a good Buster Keaton but I guess he's more of a Chaplin.

Isn’t this just Abbey Road Ken?

The art on the most recent Reply All eps actually just says "a spotify original" with no mention of Gimlet, so I think you're right.

The music wasn't selected until after the episode was written and animated so it was arbitrary to the story - so "integral" is maybe not the word for it.

So if Episode 1 is Episode 1 because that's where Darcy tuned in and started recording, does that mean there were previous, unseen episodes? Was there a Honeymooners, a radio serial, a silent film, vaudeville? How far back does this go?

I guess Jon Stewart emceeing the inauguration parade somehow doesn't count as a "major public act" but this is William Hughes here.

BOTN KF94 from behealthyusa and Powecom KF94 from bonafide masks. Any mask from these importers are high quality.

I was inclined to find his death suspicious, but seeing the type of people who insist it wasn’t a suicide makes me think maybe it was.

“Integral" - I think the music was added post-production, but it does feel wrong nonetheless

PTA was a very cocky, extremely talented, 30 year old asshole/cokehead at that time, clearly.

I think you meant "Potlicking with Larry David"

It’s because I bothered to actually look it up. Google Books - you can see for yourself that there were hundreds of them by 1920. You’re looking at the first installations and ignoring the subsequent ones. I’ll give you a few links.

No, you’re wrong. Macy’s first elevator was installed in 1902. Bloomingdales in 1900, Siegel-Cooper NY in 1896. There was one installed at Bowery Station in 1906 in NYC. And the Boston subway did too. The Egyptian thing wasn’t until the 1990s.

A lot of early escalators were more like conveyor belts, but as a pilot and international spy, I’m pretty sure Steve would have been to a major department store like Gimbel’s Philadelphia, Macy’s, Harrod’s, or the New York and London Subway/Underground. The familiar “comb” design didn’t come into use until the 20s,

The voice transition occurs within the Halloween episode, where Missy breaks down her past selves and reassembles them into mosaic Missy, then has the new voice in the next scene. It was elegantly handled. In an earlier episode, Missy talks about being voiced by a 37 year old white woman and at several points says “I

Perhaps if you follow his career that closely, I didn’t. I enjoyed hearing him on podcasts before his transition and again after but I didn’t put two and two together that I was hearing the same person until much later. As to David’s point, I might as quickly assume that intro was referring to a third toast editor I