
@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus @LurkyMcLurkerson:disqus @Groofus:disqus You guys may not want to check page 8.

Yeah, about that…

That intro couldn't possibly be more 1995.

There's nothing here about his girlfriend/wife, either

Turns out the purpose of the little round room was to hold it all together.

They can call it something catchy, like "Decider".

That would be kinda cool. The TimeOut/Ebert/AVC Voltron.

I'm going to hope they join up with the recently-gutted Time Out Chicago staff for something new and awesome.

If Koski's gone, probably a safe bet that Oliver Sava follows too.


maybe Amelie's deleted scene character will get married.

Cape Canaveral is shockingly ugly. It's all go carts and chain motels.

From The Earth To The Moon?

or Pentecostals

Yeah, this was a really bad decision

Biggie and the Stooges. Mash-up. Make it happen, internet.

was it just me or was the background music a riff on "spirit of radio"

nah, The Cat's In The Bag.

Ryan Beano?