
He just really likes Fiona Apple.

It's a good way to improve his gunplay.

"You wanna drive? Good, cause I'm seeing things. Also my arm isn't really working."

It features O'Brien's daughter, Alice Nelson

It kinda reminded me of early Daily Show bits in that way

Then it can get cancelled yet again

Maybe they can just gradually turn this back into infomania

Where does Andy Cunanan stand?

I think that was supposed to be Afrin and it didn't work out

It was up on YouTube in HD for a while but I can't seem to find it, other than someone's MST3K treatment. It's hard to appreciate the true awfulness from the livestream, you need the full resolution to see all the flaws. Rabin's review only scratches the surface of Foodfight's ridiculousness.

At least he didn't eat her fries.

they reviewed it when it previewed a few weeks ago

But both show-Carrie and real-Carrie are decidedly bisexual. Or is there a bisexual-y dress that I'm not aware of?

The American IT Crowd? TAKE THAT MCHALE.

Sarah Collins, Bad Apple makes a good Butterbeer.

So is this a one-off thing, because Bottom Of The Hill = BOTH

It's the AT&T of episodes

You had months!

His snark is only so masterful because he's fundamentally a skilled writer.