
Why would he price them individually? "Uh, we could only get one, boss."

@avclub-be5dfeb671c12d7520445b9292e10d13:disqus  I conceptualized it as parallel timelines, 30 years apart, that are linked like DNA strands. What happens to a person in timeline A becomes fixed on the timeline B person (it loops around every 30 years, basically). So he's able to run away because up to that point, he

@avclub-be5dfeb671c12d7520445b9292e10d13:disqus  I conceptualized it as parallel timelines, 30 years apart, that are linked like DNA strands. What happens to a person in timeline A becomes fixed on the timeline B person (it loops around every 30 years, basically). So he's able to run away because up to that point, he

Skinny Carrie covered in blood reminded me of some horror movie… can't recall the title…

Skinny Carrie covered in blood reminded me of some horror movie… can't recall the title…

It's a big Deal.

It's a big Deal.

It kinda does.

It kinda does.

does that mean she was actually mutilating and reassembling people in another dimension? yeeeesh

does that mean she was actually mutilating and reassembling people in another dimension? yeeeesh

We try not to sexualize Finn.

We try not to sexualize Finn.

I felt like the Nucky and Margaret in the hall scene was also very Scorcese, as was the opening montage (just pretend a Stones song is playing)

I felt like the Nucky and Margaret in the hall scene was also very Scorcese, as was the opening montage (just pretend a Stones song is playing)

vp:waldens-heart:~$ sudo heart-explode
Password: null
Are you sure? (y/n): y
Successfully assassinated vp

vp:waldens-heart:~$ sudo heart-explode
Password: null
Are you sure? (y/n): y
Successfully assassinated vp

6) Brody just shouts NAZIR over and over at his cell phone, which nobody could possibly overhear. Because, why speak in any sort of subtly coded language?

6) Brody just shouts NAZIR over and over at his cell phone, which nobody could possibly overhear. Because, why speak in any sort of subtly coded language?

"Ugh, you taste like Mike"