
Abu Nazir is working for Walden, who is in turn taking orders from Carrie. Carrie is taking revenge for the one time 20 years ago when Brody cut her off in traffic. It's so obvious.

Yeah, just like how Hostess would be just fine if it wasn't for the unions, and the strike isn't an easy excuse to liquidate, sell off the brands and walk away rich.

Yeah, just like how Hostess would be just fine if it wasn't for the unions, and the strike isn't an easy excuse to liquidate, sell off the brands and walk away rich.

they ARE in florida, after all.

they ARE in florida, after all.

The ol' Poison Pen

The ol' Poison Pen

Big disgrace.

Big disgrace.

While they explained it that way, I thought the visual portrayal was more that he had to throw so much ice & energy around in the effort to stop the bomb that it wound up freezing the whole earth too - the power of the crown is vast but, clearly, unfocused.

While they explained it that way, I thought the visual portrayal was more that he had to throw so much ice & energy around in the effort to stop the bomb that it wound up freezing the whole earth too - the power of the crown is vast but, clearly, unfocused.

If it's from something, I don't know. I don't read books often.

If it's from something, I don't know. I don't read books often.

How could they do that plausibly though, considering it was his car and the secret service was following him as he broke away from them

How could they do that plausibly though, considering it was his car and the secret service was following him as he broke away from them

So she's a simulacrum of a simulacrum of a simulacrum, essentially

So she's a simulacrum of a simulacrum of a simulacrum, essentially

I was disappointed, because it was obvious almost as quickly as Saul handed over his glasses that she was going to cut herself with them (the wine bottle was a runner-up). Also, why would Saul have glass lenses, and not polycarbonate, when he's certainly in a position where they could be easily shattered at any time?

I was disappointed, because it was obvious almost as quickly as Saul handed over his glasses that she was going to cut herself with them (the wine bottle was a runner-up). Also, why would Saul have glass lenses, and not polycarbonate, when he's certainly in a position where they could be easily shattered at any time?

Lori was also left wide open.