
they did, actually

She did look good, it was just jarring

I hate to be that guy, but there did appear to be more Mary Elizabeth Ellis. Post-pregnancy will do that.

But Dumbo is already a combination of Jumbo and Dumb

2 Broke Girls needs to work that horse into more plots.

There was a commercial talking about an hourlong director's cut of the episode. Which is odd, because the following half hour was just a 15 minute CBB preview and 15 minutes of ads.

AND it wasn't an hour and 45 minutes long.

It was sort of integral to the ending, but the way it was handled in the film really felt like deus ex machina. A lot of those moments like iChat and phone calls turned into pure exposition-fests in the film. I haven't read the book.

I agree, I'd call it pleasant enough. But the insurgent subplot was wholly unnecessary and there were those hacky flourishes (although I liked the detail of the file names like "BIN LADEN" and OIL RECEIPTS 2 etc. It had some real "what were they thinking?" moments

You can literally send them a box full of whatever and they'll give you the money, I believe.

Yeah, and why would the zombie just kill the cow and move on? Wouldn't it be eating the cow? And not have enough appetite for dale? Who wants flabby old Dale when you have sirloin?

They love disemboweling cows.

Carl's was a regular restaurant. Carl's Junior was the smaller-sized spinoff.

Have they ever used a finger? Unless like, the ligaments and tendons turn into steel, that makes no sense.

Cows ARE made of leather, after all.

The last time he got that close to something, he got shot. Smart kid, that Carl.

About that: I thought the rule was that a horde of zombies can rip apart a guy, but it makes no sense that a single one could just rip open a torso by hand. Although Dale did not have a thick skin.

Yes, they've truly traveled eastward in a southerly vector.

Is there a cover of The Who's "I Can't Explain"?

loved the "mobile liquor license" joke, at least for chicago