“I don’t give two shits if you take up 100% of your own seat space, but when you start pushing me out of MINE, then we’ve got a problem.”
“I don’t give two shits if you take up 100% of your own seat space, but when you start pushing me out of MINE, then we’ve got a problem.”
Not as widespread as women who put their bags and purses on the seat next to them.
Just as disgusting as this kind of stuff:
And the public does not give a shit.
Ok, comrade.
There’s never, EVER, been a man who said “damn, those high-waisted pants/shorts/skirt/bikini bottoms are hot!”
Why must you boast about having terrible fashion sense?
Oh dear god, yuck
It’s like you’re talking to a Bernie Sanders voter.
You’re a stupid person. A 6 pack of Stone for $38 is way better. I wouldn’t drink Blue Moon if they paid me $30.
“A trans friend asked me last night, why was she assaulted by the police when she called them for help? And I had to look her in the eye and say ‘it’s because they don’t think of you has a person, love’.”
FWIW, self-identified christians donate far more time and money to the poor and sick than any other group in America.
“it’s the implication that Caitlyn Jenner being trans has anything to do with the accident she caused.”
That wasnt an offensive joke
“My daughter is transgender. She’ll be 4 (yes, four) on Wednesday.”
“ The pool of eligible defendants was large enough that the odds of this being purely coincidentally were, in effect, a statistical impossibility. Experts testified to this fact.”
Chicken or egg?
I am single, 29 years old, self employed and make ~$125k.
Thanks for making this about you