Dark Traveler

Ah so nothing that would effect none-americans :D

Or just keep pirating your music like you always have. Works for me.

I started teaching my kids how to lie as soon as they knew what a lie was. I just read and believe what a guy said about lying-"If you have to be good at something make it lying. If your good at lying your good at everything else".

suddenly my goals in life involve poptarts, prostitutes and lots of cocaine

oh and look! not only do i feel unbelievably fantastic, but i also havent accomplished a fucking thing!

I don't always give a fuck, but when I do, it's as little possible.

No such thing as purple urine?

Challenge ... accepted!

Couldn't agree more. The irony is that we're trying to comment on yet another business that could care less about what the customers want, in the comment section of a business that could care less about what it's customers want. Someone providing some courtesy to the people seeing the ads, is way overdue.

Goddamn you to hell Google! First Google Wave... now iGoogle!