
You can't "jump in" to Monster Hunter. You do have to take it step by step, as it is in no way a game made to fit the pick-up-and-play style of gaming for newcomers. If you have a PSP or a Wii, I seriously grabbing a copy of the game. Monster Hunter Tri should be played with classic controller, especially considering

You know what I think of the Vita? Instant purchase, but, assuming Monster Hunter 3G and 4 are being translated and sent over here in jolly England, it needs to get some great games fast. Monster Hunter may as well be the only reason I have a PSP, considering the amount of time I put into it compared to everything

Snob? No. Did you read the last sentence of the article?

Europeans got them yesterday. Just so everyone knows...

Well... You can't. PSP or 3DS. No Vita.

Rayman. For me. Thanks.

Wow, it really was a surprise. This looks so cool. All I need to know is how this game is played...

How in the hell is "servant's entrance" racist? It makes sense...

"No reason we can't build a company as big as Disney."

Yeah, I know. I've got a 3DS too, I'm just peeved that they got out of HD graphics again. Plus, it does look beautiful. New additions to it look amazing. There's also hope for the localisation! It's nothing concrete and official (At least, not Capcom official), but there is this scan: [monsterhunter.wikia.com]

Erm... Doesn't everyone know that armour in games, in general, is over the top showy and unrealistic? I know the female stuff is worse, a hell of a lot worse, but do we need an article on it?

Erm... Vroom, vroom.


I learneds alots froms this. S.

Wait, what? I saw this advertised in Gamestation a couple of weeks ago...

Must. Kill. Skylanders.

I wouldn't have minded Linkin Park doing the song to Gundam...

Never liked English dubs of live-action movies, but if this has one, I'd see it. It's not Phoenix Wright unless he says "OBJECTION!"

Don't hold your breath for Monster Hunter. I'm pretty sure Nintendo and Capcom have a deal of exclusivity about it.

Anyone go on thatguywiththeglasses.com? That'll be gone...