Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Wait. So, DLC is planned before a game is released? Holy shit, stop the presses. /sarcasm
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Wait. So, DLC is planned before a game is released? Holy shit, stop the presses. /sarcasm
Apparently they have QTEs during battle. To make it more streamlined and such. I doubt it'll change much, just make a few combos different, and add some more.
Are there any other pictures of this "Mizuki McCloud?" I want to know if she's going to be yet another massive chested, flat personality female Ninja Gaiden character. With this seasons hair colour...
Erm, didn't they not use SpeedTree for Skyrim? Admittedly, I haven't checked but I think I remember a snippet of an interview. Plus, I haven't noticed the trees doing some ridiculous billboarding in Skyrim...
I never said anything about attacking order. I meant that the AI is retarded. The sentinels are supposed to be sucking up damage like a sponge, preventing the rest of the team from getting hurt. This rarely ever goes well. They tend to hang around the others too much, which makes any X-Aga spell wreck the team. When…
No, no, no, no, no. It doesn't harm developers at all. They just don't implement the ability to allow mods in games. The only game that has, that I know of, is Unreal Tournament 3. And with your Oblivion and Fallout things, I can see where you're coming from but I haven't found any mods that look as good as the stuff…
The best? No. It was a bad mess-up of VIIs battle system. I like the ATB system, but XIII implemented it badly. AoE spells being one of the biggest problems. It was a battlefield where the characters would move around to seemingly random positions. Without any input to their movement available, it often lead to my…
It's something that will never happen on consoles until a developer let's us do that with there game. It has less to do with the platform and more to do with the development, as far as consoles are concerned anyway.
Ah, fair enough. Thanks for that. At least I know that I now have a little more effort needed for this game.
Oh, so you want my opinion on the whole review?
Okay, so this will be my first BOUGHT KoF. I've got an old copy of '99 somewhere that I found in a stash of games my uncle had and, since I've been going through a kind of PS1 phase, I've been playing a lot of it. Can anyone tell me how much of this has changed in comparison? I know it's quite an old version so I…
I don't see any other HD update/remake getting a YES except maybe Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker. Simply because the only reasons for the noes is that it's merely an update. Peace Walker is, as far as I can tell, the only update that is going to bring multiplayer into it. That game is great,and if the multiplayer for…
I like that Strategy Informer review: