There’s also not really any strong connection between the events of either Loki season and what has happened with the movie multiverses.
Do you think Tom Hiddleston has the most total screen time in all the MCU now?
Remember when Jonathan Majors
What’s your point? The writer here’s point was that Citizen Ruth is received differently in 1995 than 2023, which is an objective fact. No one needed this predictable smug reply.
Dude it made 597M worldwide on like a 300M just production budget. It was a huge flop that was obviously meant to be one of those $Billion movies.
It’s not wrong, just different
Seems like they are publishing at lot more in-your-face boom bang POW! type articles lately.
Haha f—k the Mollusk
At least that was 1994 and not 2023 like whatever the fuck Bradley Cooper was doing.
What. The. Fuck. is this straight fucking Chapelle-in-whiteface ass looking version of The Rock??
This is silly. I bet you a million bucks that Jedi and lightsabers would instantly become bestie again if someone WROTE A GOOD MOVIE with them.
It’s crazy how that picture of an F-150 and a mid-range wakeboard boat is a picture of nearly 300,000 dollars.
FWIW, I have never had to restart and fast-forward an Apple TV show after leaving it paused for 5, 10, 30 minutes. I use the app version that installs to Samsung TV.
OMG it’s a Barbie-themed costume-pocalypse
Wait so you’re against the rich paying higher taxes? Which this “plan” is essentially the union version of.
Wow a whole 600/month!
BHPD is the 3rd largest racist gang in LA after the LAPD and the LA County Sheriffs.
I like that the houses in car commercials aren’t even silly anymore, because you really do need to own a post-modern 7,000sqft mansion to afford a new SUV.
Do tell?