^ Found the guy who literally would Don’t Look Up
^ Found the guy who literally would Don’t Look Up
The refuse to be turned down, it’s right in the next clause.
I can’t fathom not understanding it. What’s unclear?
MCU would have that 🤣
I hear some truckers in 2022 flipped their shit around the nation and in Canada.
9000/1300 = $6.92 per gallon
Someone said they are caskets of dead Night Sisters to be resurrected back in the SW galaxy and join his fight.
No it doesn’t, supernatural forces aren’t real. Grow up.
Dammit you really had me in the first half.
Thankfully “incel” doesn’t just plain mean the sum of its parts. It’s a noun for a type of philosophy adhering to the manosphere, misogyny, toxic masculinity, and alt-right politics.
Dude, my instagram has been banned 5 times this summer due to “suspicious activity”, and another 6 or 7 times where it forced a password change.
This is the kind of thing where I wonder if we even have a statute for it. Individuals didn’t use to have the kind of private power where you could turn off a foreign nation’s comms. It would have been unthinkable to bother making that illegal.
That’s what the fleet truck with steelies and an AM radio costs now. Jesus
These things are fucking disgusting gross excess
Season 4 ends with the first birth on Mars, Jimmy Epstein, great-grandfather of Soloman Epstein, inventor of the Epstein Drive.
One of the main tenets of pro-queer ideology is that gender is different from sex.
What does “canceled” really mean for an independent contractor like a comedian? CK has basically been doing sets at the Chuckle Hut and self-publishing internet CDs since his revelations came out. Things no one can really be prevented from. No more primetime on FX.
OMG. I continue to be baffled at people who can’t grasp that the sphere is an ancient map to a place where Thrawn also is. No one MADE it to find Thrawn.
“Do you even know how to kill me?”