
When I was a junior in college I participated in a study like this about the effects of drunk driving. I scored a perfect 80/80 on the closed road course at 0.18 BAC, more than double the legal limit. I asked if they could issue me a special Drunk Driver License to be immune to DUIs. They could not.

And if the corp can’t find buyers/leasees for their buildings they could always cut back on the avocado toast.

The dead costs of empty real estate overhead are technically data.

I see you wrote this 45 minutes ago Mister Doctor. Just want to say I’m not experiencing those things today, or now.

My man was 73 when he beat up Happy Gilmore 26 years ago

It is, but I can’t say I’m better off for skipping a bitcoin investment in like 2013 when I first heard about it. I’d be a millionaire even with the huge crashes from 2021-present.

That was a whole lot of bullshit you just said

God you’re the worst kind of faux contrarian centrist

It’s more likely that Netflix keeps its numbers secret from the various license holders they have to buy content from, than because of residuals or salaries to creatives.

I too liked that. Very different than the Roger Roger battle droids in the prequels.

Booooo have some fun and enjoy things.

It’s painful to see how many people can’t grasp that Thrawn was banished to an ancient place that already long before had a map made to it, for different purposes.

Peloton’s business and those famous weird commercials predate the pandemic

Zoom isn’t as bad as it was in 2020 but it needs to still be watched closely for CVEs

I doubt these have a single thing to do with the potential replacement of human artistry with AI. For over a decade companies have used thousands of business intelligence softwares for data analytics that all count as AI in computer science lingo. These are engineering positions.

“They lost money because they spent more than they made”

D+ lost 659M in Quarter 2 this year, down from losing 887M in Q2 2022

Disney+ literally loses money...

They’re also terrified at letting true viewership numbers be known

Ha I know right? SW isn’t hard sci-fi at all.