
I don’t disagree but what’s the answer to the age old question of “free” services that cost them $50 million/month in data center storage and internet circuits (not to mention their employee labor)? You gonna buy the subscription?

The Prequels make the ST look like special ed Spongebob.

How about only 1 of out every 5 blockbuster movies is actually performing since the “end” of the pandemic.

SAG-AFTRA leadership said its members “should mist... this ...tension ...

You can get them to produce the exact lyrics to copyrighted songs quite easily

There are zero actual image files in the algorithm. The reason why pseudo-water marks sometimes appear in the output is probability. The engine knows it has seen those patterns in millions of photos so considers them “likely” additions to output in some cases.

Doubt this will go anywhere. The billions of publicly available endpoints across the internet are, well, public. And if they weren’t, OpenAI couldn’t scrape them because they would be paywalled or behind authentication that its bots didn’t possess the password/ssh key to.

This article is originally from 2016. Hmm I wonder what made “compressing carbon fiber” come back around?

Lesbian Gay Bisexual For Joe Biden! That window plate is so sweet.

For the same reason they can deny you LOVECOCKS or anything like that. Long established precedent.

You’re too stupid to address how legacy favoring will *also* push out high scoring Asians. You’re just repeating the same thing again.

Actually no. This decision eliminated POC affirmative action but bolstered rich legacy affirmative action. So bad grade rich kids will still beat out anyone else. You love that though.

I have exactly the amount of air weight on my head that our species evolved in. If you upped it by 400 atmospheres, I would be flattened. Kinda the point.

Deep sea fish evolved there, that’s how. And if you drag one upward towards the surface they actually expand into a goo and die from lack of pressure.

When this first came out, why was Majors instantly an abuser and not the victim of “white women tears” as we have said a million other times before?

After he is convicted Disney should drop the Trump into the Mariana trench next to bin Laden.

That ain’t how it works

I’m not even talking about the implosion event. I’m talking about merely existing in a 400 atmosphere environment. It’s like having a 900,000 pound anvil on top of the object. That flimsy chunk of plastic corners snaked with tubing does not look like it had a 900,000 pound anvil on top of it for a week.

So you’re telling me the only damaging factor is just pressure *change* suddenly? So if you *very* gradually placed my body under 400 atmospheres, I would be totally fine at the end?

Pressure bud. Not at all talking about it being dirty or clean lmao. I’m talking about, it should be compressed into a singularity.