
She’ll be doing pull ups and wind sprints by 48 hours later in fictionland.

Luckily a new, uncontroversial automation tool for art is starting to be deployed that will free up these abused laborers. I bet that new technology is loved by most internet commenters, right?

Maybe check the Greek press if you’d like an update on that story from 7,000 miles away?

Nicotine is worse for your blood vessels than caffeine. But it’s still irrelevant because drug prohibition doesn’t work and is wrong policy.

Wasn’t failure to launch about a 30-something Matthew McConnaughy still living at home? Not really similar.

Wow wtf

Did returning to Leia reignite something? Because before Force Awakens she didn’t have any non-self or bit parts for about a decade. And nothing at all like first billed in a studio fantasy epic in decades.

Even the 3rd Halloween was a completely different movie featuring an Irish death cult and no Michael Meyers

The FDA should spend more time on all the soda and other sugar products plastered with cartoony animals and bright colors.

“Story from Greece got less US press than US down-a-well story”

Idiocracy was actually awful, but it was intentionally ruined.

Damn good point

The Secret Invasion title sequence has more credited humans (8) than She-Hulk, that were done entirely by humans.

Aren’t The Mummy movies imitating.... themselves? A film that predates Indiana Jones by decades? Even predates the Hayes Code.

Juul hasn’t been banned and is still carried in every single gas station and smoke shop in the US.

the premise of this film is that a 30-year-old can and should hit on and try to bang a 19-year-old

Contrary to popular belief, waivers can’t just protect a company from anything. This mission seems negligent enough to carve up the company and sell its parts to fund the plaintiffs.

Instead of “New Jedi Order” they should call it “Brave Jedi World”.

Interesting. I wouldn’t have guessed that.

I forget what this movie looks like by now, but was it a victim of the early LCD TVs Soap Opera Effect?