
What does that phrase even mean? Intellectual property is a noun.

Wow didn’t know that

BPT was gold today

Heh that’s funny, but is it true? The way the clauses are sperated by “or”, makes it seem like topless nudity (but not full frontal) would not be R rated then?

Why all the talk about federal judges and prosecutors when this isn’t a federal case?

But the internet IS a series of tubes at the layer 1 level. Just fiber or copper inside tubes.

TBBT isn’t even remotely close to Friends in any kind of stature or number lmao

Speaking of Kinja, Lifehacker’s new home will also mean a shift to a new platform

Never heard of ZD but it seems to be what owns Mashable, Spiceworks, and PC Mag. That seems like a pretty natural home for what Lifehacker is/(was).

“Electromagnetic energy”

Weird then that it was the most watched scripted show in human history when it aired.

“These are the cars from 25 years ago”

This is a fictional definition of earn that doesn’t come from any discipline of economics.

You seem to be responding to a thing not mentioned until the 5th paragraph of that guy’s comment, as if that has anything to do with the easy tax statutes quip.

Yeah that all does sound super easy. You must have many years of experience writing tax statutes.

That’s not what I asked

What’s the dollar amount of money where you cross over from “can earn” to “can’t -earn-”?

I’m a fucking delight