Thats nott good when the writers for this shitty site are agreeing with you
Thats nott good when the writers for this shitty site are agreeing with you
No theyre the same. You are just anti white
He actually thinks shes not racist. What a fucking chode.
This is a member of deadspin staff. He is serious about this.
“the oppressors”
People like Libby Watson cant possibly believe the stuff they write can they? Its all a big joke right?
Hahahahaha another person who actually believes that the color of your skin determines if you can be racist or not. Its too good
Actual human beings with brains think the above comment is true. Lmfao.
Good, please remove yourself from society. You weren't contributing anything anyways.
Dude, did you just use the n word? What a racist.
Make sure you dont argue the facts and only attack the person.
>Using the n word is always racist.
>actually having your opinion formed by an online sports page.
>leftists dont eat shit food.
Sticking up for papa john. Doesnt everyone know that deadspin told us we cant like him and hes a racist asshole? Lol think for yourself buddy. You're letting an online sports page think for you.
How is papa john racist again? Lol yall are like an angry retarded mob who just scream at things because everyone else is.
You just said negro. What a racist scumbag.
Leftists are so fucking dense. It's ’s hilarious.
Look, somebody who doesnt know how to use the term snowflake again.