
We also need a Time Force.

$5 it’s Monster Hunter

Question: I need a new phone (finally time to put the windows phone to rest), but I don’t want to spend a ton on a completely brand new one.

SonicFox has been repeatedly destroying everyone during the Next Level Battle Circuit streams (on twitch.tv/teamsp00ky). It’s been fun to watch.

Creepvines give off light (from their seeds), so I grow them in exterior growbeds near my base.

So is Philadelphia on fire yet?

well, gonna be a twitter post calling her a terrible golfer, has never achieved anything, been getting worse for years now

Yea, or even something from Layla herself, since they’re intended for her and one directly mentions her animus.

Bummer. I will probably hold off on any Origins DLC then.

Does it add anything to the present-day story? I liked Origins for the most part (still prefer Black Flag the most, then Syndicate after that, then probably Origins), but the present-day story just sorta sputtering out really annoyed me, and was hoping the DLC might give it something other than “oh we’re waiting for a

Grant Dynasty is his full name, I think.

I’d say it’s Castlevania 3, just much more fleshed out. I think Symphony of the Night was the first one to mention Dracula’s wife and her death, so you could say that’s taken from that game.

24 here.

It’s been getting advertising during AGDQ. wonder if that helped

Best of both worlds?

Bugfixes for 5000 gold or $5?

Hopefully the team lets him take that stupid statue with him

“there is a lot of cheese on the kinds of Minnesota pies under discussion here.”