
All well and good until the camera or the computer systems fail.



They gave up.
Instead of fixing Destiny 2 to make it unique, they degraded it to Destiny 1 and brought in its worse features.

Go play Destiny if you enjoyed that.

Adding content is not healthy? Give players truly more to do is not healthy?
But changing the game back to Destiny 1, when Destiny 1 is still around is.
I really hate that they only listened to the true hardcore players.
I am not casual. I just cannot play 20+ hours a week.

Cause I used to have access to it.
I can understand not being able to access the new strikes, but I should be able to access the higher level strikes for the ones I did pay for.
Same with the PvP maps. I still should be able to play. Just not on the new stuff like CoD and Halo have done in the past.

1. Too short
2. They are just patrol zones. They look nice for a day until you are just blasting thru them to get to the next point.
3. Neat. If they showed up on other planets. (Looking at you Whatsat)
4. New gear is a pile of shit with the randomness of it.
5. Only 3. Need more.
6. Only 1 thou
7. Unless they have

D1 sucked.

Gambit was the only thing they add that was really new.
There aren’t a lot of activities in the game. My biggest issue with it that Forsaken didn’t fix.

Like the Random Rolls.

Yeh. More gun violence in this state

Still won’t help the gun situation here.
I am pretty sure we going for a record of some sort.
Orlando, Parkland, and Jacksonville. All large enough to garner national attention. The Orlando shooting was the record until Vegas happened.

1, 3, and 4 suck because they are subscribtion based software.
They all ultimately suck cause they are appear to require an account to use.
Also, these are for phones. How about something for a desktop so that I can actually type something in.

Just don’t save anything important on it and just use the slide.

You cant grind solo.
Too much locked behind team events. You either are part of a clan that does it, or you will not get any where.

Too casual friendly at launch.

Cause they are assholes, and the players are prolly the ones pumping money in the Eververse.

You can say the same about ‘Just do it’

That is what they are. Basic.

That is what they are. Basic.