
Jules Verne and HG Wells are much better starters for SciFi.

There is no such thing as a ‘good printer’ The best any printer can be is meh.

There is no such thing as a ‘good printer’ The best any printer can be is meh.

Do you not have it already?


Not enough Heinlein, Asimov, or Clarke. Or any kind of SciFi/Fantasy. If I was forced to read these, I would probably fail English.

Also, where are these being force?
All I had were 2 different Shakespeare plays, an Arthur Miller one, and Jane Eyre.
The plays were fine. The book sucked majorly. I got one chapter in and

I don’t think lost and nuclear should ever be in the same sentence.

GParted LiveCD. It has a GUI and is pretty straight forwarded.

Pro tip: Don’t do this. Just do it fresh. Its easier, and if you have been listening, you should already have a backup.

I don’t want a lock with software issue. I want it to lock, not give me issues locking.
Its too expensive at that price.
Requires an app or a special dongle. I mean at this point, why not just use a key. You really aren’t saving yourself much time, and unless you are a child you should be able to lock your place up once

I don’t want a lock with software issue. I want it to lock, not give me issues locking.
Its too expensive at that

Number 7 is the best option to have.

Of course they did.

Really isnt much of a story to adapt.

The bots will (hopefully) get smarter (Not like they are around much anymore. Anyone remember spoonbots)

If you have a phone addiction, please seek professional help. Addictions are not pleasant.

It wont be.

Change out Massachusetts with Florida, and this becomes a Florida Man story.

Bad deal.
These are for outside. There are spiders out there.

Bad deal.
These are for outside. There are spiders out there.

Do you guys talk to each other from the different sites?
Pre Orders are a bad idea.

Do you guys talk to each other from the different sites?
Pre Orders are a bad idea.

This is a great demo of the reasons why you shouldn’t use it.