Shadow: are you on Hillary's payroll, or are you just trying to be the most vicious and stupid Clintonista on Internet?
Shadow: are you on Hillary's payroll, or are you just trying to be the most vicious and stupid Clintonista on Internet?
Yes, Podesta's emails are a conspiracy theory. It is not like you can read all of the interesting ones yourself and accept reality.
Half of everyone watching could stop, and the show would still run for ten more seasons.
I only saw five minutes of the pilot.
Now that Hillary is sure to become President, will Clintonistas stop obsessing about Trump and start to wonder what she is going to do exactly? According to Podesta's emails, she is "center-left to center-right" (where the "center" means Bloomberg), for TPP and fracking, wants to hire Wall Street bankers to regulate…
Male directors ruined the show, and now women have to clean up the mess after the awful season 1. Netflix is probably paying them less too. Typical.
Godzilla v Kong? Americans are stealing the Japanese tradition of putting Godzilla in stupid movies.
Fear the Mad Men.
For a second there, I legitimately thought that Russian mom was glad Bratva had killed her son. I’m prepared to believe Russians are that metal.
Shorter Podesta emails:
Everything Sanders said about Hillary was true.
It isn't as funny as repeating the same memes every night for six months in this little Clintonista bubble? Sad!
Hillary announces the CEO of Wells Fargo will be her Treasury Secretary, Clintonistas turn on Elizabeth Warren.
I'm rubber, you are glue, says the guy who included dead Libyans in his meme cat jokes. Whatever, make sure to "humanize these victims" by voting for the person who got them killed - and will murder a lot more Muslims when she is elected.
Hillary reveals that she has in her hand a list of 205 journalists and politicians secretly working for Putin.
Hillary announces she will launch a nuclear attack against Russia during her first day in office, Clintonistas praise her for it.
The biggest mystery is still: why should I care about any of these people or robots?
So Thrawn is still around after all, but they are using him for a cartoon? Stupid Disney.
Clintonistas now think Senator Murphy is also part of the Russian-conservative conspiracy.
You really forgot everything Obama did up to yesterday? Libya, ring any bells? Drone strikes killing civilians for 8 years, in many countries? Hell, Obama is even bombing Syria at the moment!
Here is a good start: