
One word: clone.

Gordon and Bullock hunt down a Nemesis from their past… never mentioned before and forgotten after this episode.

"Earth's Death Star", didn't he forget about one country? Let me guess: he didn't mention the US bombing a Doctors Without Borders hospital, or helping Saudi Arabia slaughter thousands of civilians in Yemen.

I wonder if any of the writers has ever been to Tangers. Not every city in the Middle East looks like Baghdad during the US occupation, especially when it isn't actually in the Middle East. But good on this show for reminding us that all Arabs are terrorists or thugs, or both.

He said it FEELS like a procedural because of the bland sets and lightning, not that it is one.

Since he moved to CBS, Colbert has really become passionate about giving a voice to the most oppressed minority, CEOs.

Heroes has a good chance to be the most-watched superhero show this week, beating Batman and the MCU. Yatta!

It was weird how he kept mentioning Stewart. Same writers, same spit take joke, same format… Same show really, with a permanent guest host who could as well be a robot remote controlled by Stewart.

And his Jewish grandmother voice.

I agree, you may be an asshole.

Trevor Noah did much better than I expected, besides a few "too soon? I'm so edgy!" ala Bill Maher. In fact he had a much better start than Wilmore or Colbert.

If only Obama was in a position of power, and could fight against the prison industry. He should run for president!

How long until Stewart comes back?

Do You Knowhere Your Children Are?

Noah said he agrees with Rand Paul on Social Security…

* I refuse to believe the Haitian is really dead. Even for Heroes, that would be stupid and pointless. Chuck is probably an evo and will resurrect him.

Sure hundreds of thousands of brown people died, but will Pamela save her fiance's penis? Tune in next week!

You have no clue what you are talking about. Sanctions didn't make Iran agree to anything they were not willing to do in 2008, or 2002. They never worked on nuclear weapons. And they already dominate the government in Baghdad.

Limitless is better, but still mediocre.

What changed in Minority Report?