
"Our country is too big and too broad"

The last Farrelly movie was very successful for a comedy.

He still finds the time to receive a lot of money from CBS. What a nice guy!

Continuum lost me when (SPOILERS) they killed hundreds of billions of people, entire branches of the multiverse, in one episode. After that it was hard to focus on whatever was going on at the Vancouver police station.

Colbert let both greedy CEOs and activists have their say, it has to be a CBS conspiracy if we only see the douchebag billionaire side of the debate.

Same Biden… So which country did he want to bomb this time, or did he want even harsher punishment for drug addicts? (except members of his family)

Heroes will be just as bad and ridiculous, but not nearly as fun as ¡DOME!

Over the Dome, there is another Dome… It's Domes all the way up.

Do not go gentle into that good night,
Rage, rage against the dying of the ¡DOME!!!

That is almost true, except MNight probably appears in the movie.

The real grade is F.

The Dome comes down. People look at the sky and smile, but only then do they see… The Dome was under a second, bigger DOME!

Does it really matter if you're drunk?

It means Late Show with Jay Leno in 6 months. Then Comedy Central can bump Noah and get the Report back instead!


It means he will be exiled to Australia and forced to produce one of those vulgar soap operas.

"No nazi salutes?"

It is not like England doesn't also have corrupt political dynasties.

At least Downtown Abbey will end soon. The queen's demon children and their children will rule over their subjects for centuries.

Must have been a long, painful wait for Neighbors2.