BMW is following Audi’s lead and making all their models look the same...
BMW is following Audi’s lead and making all their models look the same...
indeed... once kardashian passes in 2058... there will be a sharp decline and the world will never recognize asses the same again
in 100 years no ass will be, SO HOT RIGHT NOW
if you’re getting 4 doors you should really be getting 5. because, wagon :-D
I’ve always been a huge fan of the AMG C class but with this new model design it’s almost too good looking and sleek to get a wing, splitter, and other aero bits, no?
Your statements about turbos are correct for the n54 engines but the n55 twin scroll turbo has proven to be far more reliable. I agree with you about cooling. Just did mine at 80k as most of the components were beginning to fail.
*that’s model year 2011 and up... not the quantity haha
funny thing about that... when i got my 135 with the dct, t i was pretty blown away. it’s quite a difference coming from a quick but still standard auto trans. well i fly in to boston to hang with a girl friend of mine for the weekend who drives the s3. she drives like a badass and while she’s driving i’m noticing the…
it does indeed... 2011+ got them!
bmw and audi both have great DCTs. (I drive ‘11 135 and a friend drives a ‘15 s3)
my gf has a focus and that transmission is total shit. she said the dealer told her it was a DCT and i refused to believe it.
yes!!! now accessible to people with disabilities!!
was thinking the same thing... not sure why you wouldn’t travel in the same direction as traffic (at the very least) if you are going to be doing something like that.
Ha! I’ve been following that thread as well! It’s definitely crossed my mind as has doing one better.... The 4.8. but those x5is’s are hard to find, especially one that can solely be a donor!
Funny you mention those.... I’ve got the unicorn 03 e39 540 M sport wagon and I so wish I could swap the s62 in it. But even without it, that car is a fun beast. I was not aware about the SMG being basically the same as the m5 manual transmission, though I wouldn’t bother swapping that because i absolutely hated the…
Aw cmon, we all know the famous saying, “function follows form”!
THANK YOU. I completely understand the argument for manuals, but when people start questioning other people’s manhood, enthusiast level, etc. just because they don’t drive stick annoys the shit out of me. Yes, you ignorant fools, there are people that love cars but have no choice to drive automatics.
Chairslayer does some insane fab work
Oh it’ll be back. The business model of today is, “Everything old is new again. Profit.”