
I don't think so. If you look at the scene everyone is trying to do some sort of hands in the air dance. And since Fergie was sitting with them i'm guessing that someone instructed the whole area on a dance to do while the camera was pointed in their direction. Since she'd be standing there on camera and it'd look

Those are the dance moves of a guy who's worth 20 billion dollars. Don't care about SHIT.

The hot slurp factor is usually my #1 criteria when buying, right next to how easy I can put a sponge on ALL the surfaces underneath the lid. Some lids have areas that are tucked away under the fancy mechanism and can't be physically cleaned and starts building up a crud layer that sometimes falls into the coffee and

The hot slurp factor is usually my #1 criteria when buying, right next to how easy I can put a sponge on ALL the

I used to have one of these, but just like every other travel mug with a fancy mechanical lid that seals, it's fucking impossible to clean 100%, there's always some little crevice that you can never get to that will eventually become really gross. they need to make these things so you can fully disassemble them.

I used to have one of these, but just like every other travel mug with a fancy mechanical lid that seals, it's

I own of of these mugs. Don't really like it. The drinking hole is in a less than desirable position. And because of the release button, it tends to spit at you (steam builds up then is suddenly released). I also don't like that you can't feel the heat of the drink before it touches your lips.

I own of of these mugs. Don't really like it. The drinking hole is in a less than desirable position. And because of

I'm not a fan of this mug. It may keep your coffee warm all day like no other, but it is awkward to drink from.

I'm not a fan of this mug. It may keep your coffee warm all day like no other, but it is awkward to drink from.

Does anyone else find out difficult to drink hot drinks from these cups? It's hard to slurp the coffee to cool it down

Does anyone else find out difficult to drink hot drinks from these cups? It's hard to slurp the coffee to cool it

One thing is for certain: This kid won't bitch about the minor annoyances found in all games like most of the younger gens do. I mean, when you grow up and one of your favorite games was a text based basketball game, you don't really nitpick modern graphics or design.

To put it in old fogey: "These young

I got to play what dad owned. I assure you I did not have much purchasing power in the house at age four. Which was in 1988, so I'm not even sure what that would entail. We had an NES, because dad wanted to play it. When the SNES came out in 1991, we got one, because dad wanted one. I probably had more influence then,

I don't really see why this is any different than in limiting what kind of movies or television your child watches, what kind of music you play around them, or even what kind of language you use. Parents choose what to expose their children to all the time. Retro-gaming is probably one of the least egregious forms of

While I think this is very cool, I just can't get over the top image. That's an Atari 2600 (VCS) and an Atari cart there. Atari 2600 Pac-Man looked nothing like this:

Is that actually true though? DO all kids love video games? Or do I just believe that because *I* did?

I find it interesting that people are complaining that he did this.

I rather doubt he had to be made to play.

No, no it couldn't. This myth came from the early Tour de France riders who would reforge their bikes (brazing mostly) when they would fail at the joints. The truth is, if a steel frame looked like that, any repair is going to be very temporary. Repairs that can be performed to a steel frame are weld or joint

As someone was has seen a lot of stress tests on carbon bike frames, this isn't remotely true. All modern carbon frames will withstand a tremendous amount of force, far greater than what a steel or aluminium frame can withstand. When they do fail it is directly along the line or point of force. These means that

I swear, I mentally heard "Dixie" played on a nyckelharpa when I saw this...

great article.