
Or is it that you find it very hard to own up to reality?

Dear True Dickhead,

The fact that you think those things, outside of the armed forces, have been “successful” is hilarity. The fact that you say it with such snarky confidence might be the topper.

Bwwaaaaaahahahahahaha. Oh. My. God.

Yes, we are sick of subsidizing you. You don’t have a moral right to my hard earned gains. Why do I pay taxes in such a higher percentage than you, you worthless suck?

As opposed to someone who calls themselves Baabaabooie? LOL.

You’re right, Amtrak’s a huge success in every way. It doesn’t work. It never has. It’s as successful as the US Postal Service or your local DMV office.

That’s right, someone lacking in brain power to the point that they can only express themselves in ridiculous, Millenial tinged memes wouldn’t understand, now would they? Perhaps you should retreat back to the kids table?

You’re showing yourself to be a bitter little bitch who can’t afford to pay for his own healthcare and therefore needs someone like me to do it for him. Ever hear of the Golden Rule, dipshit? He who has the gold, makes the rules. The government took my gold and others on your loser behalf. Which means they now run

Take a legendary car and destroy it’s legacy and everyone’s expectations by making it a hybrid? Gee, who can wait?!?

Amtrack. Run by the US government who cannot make the trains safe, on time, affordable, or capable of doing anything other than lose massive sums of money for the taxpayer. Yet these people now run your healthcare. Hope everyone is OK.

Who cares? Yes, exactly. You’re comparing something that less than probably 1/10 of 1% of the population does to something that probably 98% of the population does. And you’re making said comparison your entire rationale and argument (if you can call it that).

Still can’t answer the question, can you? LOL

Yes, I’m completely sure about that. Not sure about where you got the impression that I wasn’t. Maybe the NSA is living in my head and eavesdropping on my thoughts?!? Cue the Twilight Zone the way, will the tin foil keep you out? I hope so!

Oh, I don’t doubt that the government would love to one day force people what to drive. But let’s just say I’m not baying your bait job.

Yes, everything is a “strawman”. In the meantime, you still can’t answer the question. The rest of your diatribe consists of mental masturbation, wherein you try convincing yourself that you actually have something important to say. In reality, I don’t think you’ve said anything other than that you’re convinced you

I applaud your ability to continue on with the joke. You do a good job of making yourself sound like one of those kooks.

So a pilot’s license and a driver’s license are really interchangeable in terms of the numbers of people we’re talking about who have each? Just want to make sure that’s what you’re saying, TED?

Most of the same people justifyingly bitching about California’s absurd, big government, individual-stifling bureaucracy in this case, will tell you out of the other side of their mouths how we all need to “save the planet” and “pay our fair share” of taxes. All of which is really just code for getting back at wealthy

No, you wouldn’t see the hilarity in the posts from folks like you. Which is a big part of what makes it so hilarious.